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Postby meriad » 08 Oct 2015, 16:10

been meaning to ask - how is Mia doing. Was she happy to have you back home; and was she OK re her eating whilst you were in London?

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Re: Shell

Postby miasmum » 08 Oct 2015, 19:29

Hi Ria thank you for asking about her.\

She was fine while we were in London, Tim's mum gave her lots of fuss. She was worried about her eating, so she tried lots of different things and Mia now has cod for breakfast. She has a small sachet of Sheba at tea time and another sachet when she goes to bed. She eats the fish and nibbles the rest of it.

She has lost a lot of weight, she is like a little skeleton with fur on. I think she looks better now she is home though, so not sure how well she ate when we were away.

Obviously she eats because she is on drugs to make her eat, but I think all we are doing is feeding the tumour. I did wonder how long I would have her for when she first came home, but as I said she seems brighter now so I will leave her for now.

She is very spoilt :D
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Re: Shell

Postby Weka » 13 Oct 2015, 11:06

I was wondering how she was too. Fingers crossed that she remains bright and happy for a long while yet.
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Re: Shell

Postby meriad » 13 Oct 2015, 12:16

You know what to look out for Shell and you know you'll do right by your girl when the time comes. For now enjoy every moment with her, take each day as it comes and spoil her as much as you want.

Fusses to her xxxx
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