Charlie, Gal's cat

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Charlie, Gal's cat

Postby Kaz » 07 Dec 2023, 13:43

Gal, so very sorry to see on Facebook that you've lost your lovely cat. Lots of love to you, and if you need to talk about it we're all here to offer support ((((((x))))))
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Re: Charlie, Gal's cat

Postby JoM » 07 Dec 2023, 16:46

Such sad news Gal, sending you lots of love xx
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Re: Charlie, Gal's cat

Postby miasmum » 07 Dec 2023, 19:14

So sorry Gal, I know how much you loved Charlie xxx
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Re: Charlie, Gal's cat

Postby Gal2 » 10 Dec 2023, 16:16

Oh that's so thoughtful Kaz, so very many thanks for posting here, and thank you all for your kind words xx

I had come on to tell you about it - he seems to have had a heart attack early hours of Wednesday, when Tom got up to walk teh dog, he came back to tell me Charlie didn't seem his usual self - I got up and he was lying on the floor not moving with his face hidden, his legs and ear tips felt cold to touch and when he tried to get up his legs buckled and he shuffled along. Shortly after, he started vomiting and making a horrible noise, I'm guessing he must have been in pain, this was all between 4 and 6 am. Vet opened at 8 so Tom bless him, took him without an appt and I knew I wouldn't see Charlie again, even getting him into the carrier was awful. Tom stayed with him while they dealt with him, he was taken in straight away and given a cannula with the meds in but it took 3 lots of the drug and still he didn't go, they said his circulation was so poor it wasn't carrying the drug to his heart, so they gave him an injection directly into his kidney. My poor baby has had so much to deal with in his little life.

We are all still in shock I think, he's such a miss in the house.

RIP my sweet Charlie boy xxxxxxxxx
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Re: Charlie, Gal's cat

Postby Kaz » 10 Dec 2023, 18:08

Oh it's just heartbreaking when they leave us :cry: :cry: :cry:

So very sorry :cry: :cry:
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Re: Charlie, Gal's cat

Postby miasmum » 11 Dec 2023, 09:43

Oh Gal it’s horrible enough without that traumatic situation

Run free Charlie boy xxx
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