The hounds

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Re: The hounds

Postby Kaz » 04 Mar 2014, 15:57

LOL Di yes definitely a terrier thing isn't it? They were bred to dig up rabbits and find rats and then bark to alert their owners - digging is another thing that it's hard to stop :roll: :lol: The very first toy Pepper had was a stuffed Alvin the Chipmunk - she was 8 weeks old but grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and banged him against the floor to 'kill' him :shock: That ratting instinct runs deep...............

Bigger non-terrier dogs seem so quiet next to ours :lol:

Aw bless Minnie barking at monsters :D :D 8-)

Jo I'm sure Billy wants very much to protect you, being a rescue he'll have that urge very strongly ;)

Well the behavioural expert nurse rang me back, we had a good chat :) We are decided on the clicker training first, getting him generally used to it, then using that to get him to sleep in his basket, and then we're going to tackle the issues one by one, as she will talk us through it 8-) 8-)

She said the adaptil collar should bring his anxiety down a good bit, they are more effective than the plug-ins apparently :)

As a very last resort, if he is still very anxious, there are meds he can have in his food, but I would only consider that as a very last resort - I don't like the idea of drugging him :?
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Re: The hounds

Postby miasmum » 04 Mar 2014, 18:53

Kaz wrote:She said the adaptil collar should bring his anxiety down a good bit, they are more effective than the plug-ins apparently :)

Hmmm I wonder if they do an Adaptil collar that would fit me :lol: :lol:
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Re: The hounds

Postby Kaz » 04 Mar 2014, 19:51

:lol: :lol: Oh that made me LOL ((((((((((((Shell))))))))))) xxx
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Re: The hounds

Postby Kaz » 11 Mar 2014, 09:03

Well the clicker training seems to be going well, he is definitely associating the click with a treat so we'll soon be ready to take that up a notch and start issuing commands with the clicker, and the collar does seem to have bought his stress levels down a bit - normally they both go beserk (he starts it so P joins in) when I leave the house, but now I just get the equivalent of a raised eyebrow as if to say "Oh she's off again!" and no noisy barking. Admittedly they still bark and fuss me when I get home but that's quite nice :D :oops: :lol:
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Re: The hounds

Postby Diflower » 11 Mar 2014, 09:15

That sounds good Kaz, I'd been wondering how it was going :)
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Re: The hounds

Postby Kaz » 11 Mar 2014, 10:12

:) Thanks Di, I wanted to make sure the collar was really making a difference before I posted, in case we were imagining it, but he is definitely calmer 8-) :) The plug-in was already making a bit of difference at night, but the beauty of the collar is that it goes everywhere he does, whereas the plug-in is only in one room :)

Apparently they work better on younger dogs like Fraggs, as the hormone used is the same as a lactating bitch so it reminds them of their mums 8-) :) :)
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Re: The hounds

Postby Aggers » 11 Mar 2014, 22:46

Kaz.... We have found that the dogs' stress level when they are left alone is considerably less
if you don't make any fuss when you leave them - or when you return. Say nothing but just act
as you would if you were just going into another room. I know it's not easy to appear nonchalant
about leaving them, but, believe me, it does work. Try it !!

Re: The hounds

Postby Kaz » 13 Mar 2014, 15:36

Oh Aggers believe me we have! :roll: :lol: :lol: But thank you 8-) :D :D xx
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Re: The hounds

Postby meriad » 14 Mar 2014, 08:59

Karl and Nadine's dog Bella (cross lab / border collie) is the most soppy and affectionate dog and every time I go there she greets me like I've been away for months on end and bounces about and whines. Even if I am only away for a few seconds to get something from the car :lol: :lol: :lol: - I do love that dog :D
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Re: The hounds

Postby Kaz » 14 Mar 2014, 10:12

:D :lol:
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