LOL Di yes definitely a terrier thing isn't it? They were bred to dig up rabbits and find rats and then bark to alert their owners - digging is another thing that it's hard to stop

The very first toy Pepper had was a stuffed Alvin the Chipmunk - she was 8 weeks old but grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and banged him against the floor to 'kill' him

That ratting instinct runs deep...............
Bigger non-terrier dogs seem so quiet next to ours
Aw bless Minnie barking at monsters
Jo I'm sure Billy wants very much to protect you, being a rescue he'll have that urge very strongly
Well the behavioural expert nurse rang me back, we had a good chat

We are decided on the clicker training first, getting him generally used to it, then using that to get him to sleep in his basket, and then we're going to tackle the issues one by one, as she will talk us through it

She said the adaptil collar should bring his anxiety down a good bit, they are more effective than the plug-ins apparently
As a very last resort, if he is still very anxious, there are meds he can have in his food, but I would only consider that as a very last resort - I don't like the idea of drugging him