Part dog?

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Part dog?

Postby Gal » 15 Feb 2013, 23:28

I have said since we got him that Smudge seems to have a few doggie like traits - he 'fetches' things when asked and can do some tricks, also he licks you :lol:

Since he had the runs on Sunday night (my fault :oops: ) I haven't seen one poo in his litter. I know he is an outdoor lad now, but as he hadn't made any effort to learn how to not use his litter so far, I assumed that he still hadn't (lots of wees there though ;) ) I had started to be a little bit concerned ....until today.

When we had the deep snow recently, he weed in the garden in the deep snow. Today, on the grass (no snow now) I found three poos. I don't want him to poo on the grass, I thought cats were supposed to bury it? He does seem to have had a go at burying it, there were bits of grass around the poo, but still, how can I teach him NOT to poo on the grass? :(

None of the cats I have had up to now have behaved the way he does :lol:

Re: Part dog?

Postby Kaz » 16 Feb 2013, 09:44

:lol: :lol: That's so funny - he's such a little character 8-) :D Did you ever see Meet the Parents? Perhaps he could use the loo, like Mr Jinks 8-) :lol: xxxxxx
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Re: Part dog?

Postby Diflower » 16 Feb 2013, 10:08

He'll probably learn Gal, the snow probably confused him, he didn't know it would go away did he :D
I had a cat that would use the loo - not for poos though :D
Another cat, tiny little thing, would take a bone from the dog and drag it into the garden then growl at anyone who came near :)
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Re: Part dog?

Postby meriad » 16 Feb 2013, 11:48

Gal, Harry does that as well... he'll use the litter boxes (inside or outside) for his wee's but has one particular spot in the garden on the lawn where he will do his poo's. A right pain in the a*** esp in the winter when it's dark and I can only get out there during the weekend to clean up. In the summer it'll obviously be a daily clean to keep flies away.

But.... I would rather he poo on the lawn (or in the litter box) where I can clean up than somewhere else where people may get annoyed at him (not that he can get out the garden). Also being able to monitor his poo's I can keep an eye on his health.

My Monty has digestive issues but because he can get out the garden I don't know just how bad he is. Sometimes he comes home with dirty 'trousers' so I don't know if he has runny poos every day or just sometimes; and I'd love to know.

So whilst annoying, it's actually quick to clean up and I think has more pro's than con's

As a by the by - another reason male cats tend to not hide their poo's is because they are marking territory and showing dominance. Female cats very seldom do it; they'll dig and bury.
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Re: Part dog?

Postby Gal » 16 Feb 2013, 18:05

Thanks all - yes it is a good way of seeing how his body is working, and making sure he's ok 'that way', but I did hope he'd use the ample amount of muck/soil we have around the garden - Lord knows he runs about on it enough!! :roll: :lol:

He's deffo a one off in this house - Mopsy and Tinker both did their biz where they were 'supposed' to - not him though!! :roll: :|

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