
For those non-humans who share our home


Postby Gal » 26 May 2017, 12:53

Some of you may know I got Charlie in February - he is a rescue cat with a strong resemblance to a certain Smudgey-boy who went missing and never returned at Christmas.

Of course all cats are different, but although I can pick Charlie up for short cuddles, he's not one for sleeping on my lap or laying on the bed alongside either me or Jen, as Smudge was. I have to admit this saddens me, as I didn't want him to be almost estranged from me - he knows my voice and his name...and he is a healthy boy, always hungry but well fed, shiny coat and eyes....his gums are a funny colour (almost grey) and his breath is strong - I bought some stuff online which is meant to clear any tartare off his teeth but it may take a little while to sort. doesn't care for treats (not even Dreamies!!) and will have dry food but only under duress LOL. I'm trying to encourage this in an attempt to mix his diet up a bit, I've tried several types of dry.

I haven't let him out without supervision yet. I'm scared to after what happened to Smudge, but he has been out in the garden when I can watch him, but all he seems to want to do is eat anything green....grass, stems on flowers....

He's a character - very gentle, loves to play with his bird on a wire, not bothered about other toys, doesn't bite or scratch the furniture, has an activity centre which is largely ignored and a scratch post which was well used at first but not so much now.

Keeping him indoors in the warm weather is hard, as I usually have all the doors open but I can't if I don't want him to go out :(


Re: Charlie

Postby miasmum » 26 May 2017, 15:33

Gal my friend lost her old girl Lucy last year. Thankfully unlike Smudge Lucy was PTS. They then got Bowie, a male and he is completely different. He does go out, but then he never comes in. He doesn't want to sit on laps, lay on beds etc. He is friendly when you stroke him and he loves to play, but he also loves to hunt. Sarah finds it hard as she loved Lucy sitting on her lap. I think male cats are more friendly, but less inclined to cuddle on your lap etc.

Do you intend to let Charlie out alone in time?
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Re: Charlie

Postby Gal » 26 May 2017, 18:43

I've had tom cats for about 20 years, all of them have enjoyed cuddles and fuss, up till we got Smudge I wasn't keen on them going upstairs but they all would have, given the opportunity!

Jen had them eating out of her hand, they'd let her do anything, Mopsy was put in a doll's pram and walked along the street many years ago! They were all fussed over (we had 3 in those 20 years, all boys) and all loved being petted and sitting on your lap. Charlie is the only one I haven't had from a kitten and I'm wondering what happened to him in his little life to make him like this.

He'll let you stroke him plenty if he's lying on the floor, he rolls over and over though until you have to get up and move nearer him if you want to continue.

He's in his favourite spot now in the corner of the bay windowsill, its hard (is not soft) but he's off the floor and slightly more difficult for me to get to him :(

I honestly don't know what to do about letting him out in future. I had no such qualms letting any if the others out, but smudge disappearance really hurt me badly and I'm not sure I could cope if similar happened to Charlie. Plus I was told he'd never been out before do I don't know how streetwise he'd be in regard to other animals, people, traffic....

I think he's probably about 2ish but cats are hard to age accurately

Thanks for your reply Shell xxx

Re: Charlie

Postby miasmum » 27 May 2017, 00:17

but my friend had her cat from a kitten and he had been brought up by her son in laws auntie until 8 weeks, so she knows he was loved. He is just very driven by the desire to hunt. I cant really comment on whether or not you should keep him in, as Mowgli and Mia were indoor cats
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Re: Charlie

Postby Gal » 27 Dec 2017, 18:52

Charlie has been quite poorly....he's currently in an animal hospital being given round the clock care. Essentially he has a blocked bladder, unable to pee and therefore unable to rid his body of the toxins this creates. Vet wasn't sure if it was stones formed by crystals in his pee which are blocking his urethra, or if he has blood clots, or if it was 'just' his urethra going into a spasm on trying to pee, usually this happens in multi cat households (ours isn't) or in a stressed cat - he isn't. So a bit of a mystery.

He started looking unwell and not eating late last Tuesday evening, so we got him into our own vets after work Wednesday. The admitted him immediately, as they needed to catheterise him and get rid of some of the urine. He pulled the catheter out overnight as sadly at our own vets there is nobody around between 11pm and 7am, so this meant taking him to the vet hospital on Thursday night so they could monitor him. This worked but I had to go and take him back to our own vets on Friday morning. They kept him in again and removed the catheter on Saturday morning, said he had done two big wees on his own and I could collect him at 3pm on Saturday.

Did so - but he wasn't himself at all. He was extremely restless and kept hiding in corners to pass two or three red drops :( So back we went on Sunday morning to our own vets and she took one look at him and said he needs Wear (the vet hospital) So back we went there, and he's been there ever since. They have catheterised him again but left him with it in all this time....they phone me every day with updates - he's doing really well in himself, he's eating well and pooing fine, very friendly and loves his tummy tickles, but his pee is still a bit pink but MUCH less than Sunday. Vet rang me an hour ago to say they are going to remove it tomorrow afternoon and see how he is overnight re weeing. So MAYBE we will get him home on Friday.....but I'm not holding my breath.

I was given a quote of *deep breath* £4000 from Wear for his stay and care.....I had to pay £1000 on Sunday, not knowing whether or not I'd get it back as we had claimed already at our own vets as a direct claim. I had to wait until today when the insurance office was open again after the Christmas break, to find out. BUT luckily they can, so I have put it back into the vets hands. I got the best cover I could when taking it out, so - so far - I am still covered!

This condition in Charlie could recur.....IF it does I may have to consider having him PTS as I won't be able to afford to go above my limit.

So a very worrying time ahead.

Re: Charlie

Postby miasmum » 27 Dec 2017, 19:05

Oh blimey Gal, poor Charlie that sounds really painful and poor you.

I hope they can sort him out and he can come home asap.

So glad you are insured. If you have the best cover available there shouldn't be a limit or at least it should reset after a period of time, I suppose it depends whether it recurs before the period is up.
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Re: Charlie

Postby JoM » 27 Dec 2017, 19:48

Poor Charlie, and poor you - what a horrible worry :o

Really hope that he's soon home and well xx

So glad that the insurance is paying out. Vet bills are horrendously expensive aren't they.

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Re: Charlie

Postby miasmum » 27 Dec 2017, 20:46

JoM wrote:So glad that the insurance is paying out. Vet bills are horrendously expensive aren't they.

Aren't they just Jo, especially when they involve out of hours
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Re: Charlie

Postby Kaz » 27 Dec 2017, 22:53

Oh poor Charlie - and*gulp* that is some bill! :shock:

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for him, and for you XX
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Re: Charlie

Postby JoM » 27 Dec 2017, 23:11

miasmum wrote:
JoM wrote:So glad that the insurance is paying out. Vet bills are horrendously expensive aren't they.

Aren't they just Jo, especially when they involve out of hours

Even with insurance there's obviously still the excess to pay (Billy's leapt up to £90) which must make it very difficult for some people, plus at the vets that we use you have to pay the bill in full and then make a claim (and then our vets charge £10 for filling in a section of information on the claim form).

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