Charlie's skin

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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby meriad » 03 Sep 2018, 15:08

Gal, did you manage to get Charlie back to the vet... I'm just really curious what they said. Always good to know in case it happens to one of mine ;-) x
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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Gal » 03 Sep 2018, 19:50

Funny you should ask Ria - I'm just this minute back from the vets, £130 lighter!!!

We got back from the caravan about 1, he was fine at first, hungry, wrapping himself around us and playful. I noticed later though that he was paying lots of trips to his litter tray, and then came the signs of cystitis - the dots of blood :( So I phoned to ask if he could have a script for ABs. but she wouldn't allow it unless they saw him - they said he may be blocked again and giving him meds without being seen - if it were that - could be very dangerous. So off we went - he had a jab for ABs, some Metacam for the inflammation and some Zylkene as she said it's likely he's been stressed from us being away :?

As for his back - she said it seemed to be healing well, just to keep him in the Tshirt for now and see how it was in a few weeks, she wouldn't need to see him again unless I am concerned.

So, I'm reading his insurance notes to remind myself what the excess is - we are taking him to the caravan next time!!!

Re: Charlie's skin

Postby meriad » 04 Sep 2018, 10:20

Oh poor boy - cystitis is never fun and can be so dangerous for male cats. Who was looking after him while you were gone - maybe next time ask them to give him extra fusses and playtime? But then as you say - next time he comes with you :D
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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Kaz » 04 Sep 2018, 11:07

Yes, hope he's ok Gal xxx
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