
For those non-humans who share our home


Postby Gal2 » 03 Oct 2020, 18:44

He usually goes to stay with big sister Jen when we go to the caravan - a pain in one way as he is frightened of the carrier/car and always messes his carrier by the time we get out of our estate ( :roll: ) BUT once he's there, he loves the company and the rest of the Broom/Callaghan menagerie (two cats, Jack and Freddie and a miniature Dachshund, Ruby), so it makes sense to take him rather than leave him home for Donna to call twice a day to feed him.

During the summer, both Jen's cats had fleas, so she treated them accordingly and all seems well. Since shortly after bringing him home a week past Thursday, Charlie hs been acting unlike himself. His appetite is fine, he's using the litter tray as normal, but he seems to have developed a huge dislike for walking on the floor! So he spends most of his time on the sideboard, the dining table, the mantelpiece, any available windowsill, the chair arm....and jumps from one thing to another rather than walk on the floor! Also running madly up and down stairs. He has been scratching a little, but I guess no more than usual, although I did spot some tiny black specks after he'd been on the windowsill so not sure if that's flea residue....

Anyhoo I bought him a flea collar on Thursday. Given his skin issues I am reluctant to get a spot on treatment and figured a collar might suit better. At first, it didn't seem to make a difference, if anything he was worse, awake all night and jumping on the bed when we were sleeping, walking on the bedside tables (where I always have a glass of water) and if he didn't then knock my mantelpiece clock off so it smashed on to the hearth at 7am!

Today though he seems more settled. He still doesn't care to be on the floor though! I have no idea why. He isn't scratching or over grooming so either the collar is working or he's just been through a daft phase. He is (I think, as he's a rescue kitty) about 5 and a half years old, and we've not experienced this with him before.
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Re: Charlie

Postby Kaz » 03 Oct 2020, 19:54

I'll show this to Becky tomorrow (remind me if I forget as my head is a sieve these days :oops: ) She knows much more about this kind of stuff than me ;) 8-) xxx
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Re: Charlie

Postby Gal2 » 04 Oct 2020, 19:52

Thanks Kaz *nudges* ;)

I've bought him a Feliway diffuser today, it's a calming plug in, he's had it before but not for a while.....and also some flea tablets. Not given them to him yet, he's claimed my egg chair to sleep in (I brought it indoors for the winter on Friday) and he slept on the bed with me last night after I couldn't sleep and went to find him :lol: :lol:
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Re: Charlie

Postby Kaz » 04 Oct 2020, 23:09

:oops: See, I told you I was hopeless :oops: I will ask her first thing, I promise :oops:
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Re: Charlie

Postby miasmum » 04 Oct 2020, 23:09

Gal looks like you may well be right ... floor.html
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