When a pet's friend dies.

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When a pet's friend dies.

Postby Workingman » 07 Aug 2021, 17:24

My previous post was about Kaiser and Bess.

New dogs were brought in to the family - Timo and Olly - an Alsatian and Border Collie, both puppies about nine weeks old.

They were like twins and got on ever so well. Timo was the sensible one and Olly, the boss, was the mad hatter. Yesterday they got out of the gate and Olly went into the road and was hit by a car - 40mph speed limit.

He's gone and we are all devastated, but we can understand. Timo, on the other hand, is bereft and we have no way to explain things to him. He has this massive hole where Olly once was and we do not know how to fill it, He constantly searches the house for his mate but can't find him. It really is heart-breaking.
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Re: When a pet's friend dies.

Postby Kaz » 07 Aug 2021, 21:28

That's so very sad Frank :cry: Luckily for us, after a few days of looking round for Pepper, Fraggle has adjusted really well. I do hope Timo will too ((((((Timo)))))
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Re: When a pet's friend dies.

Postby Kaz » 07 Aug 2021, 21:32

Just putting this out there, but if Fraggle hadn't adjusted well we might have got him a new pal......I know it's early days though xx
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Re: When a pet's friend dies.

Postby miasmum » 08 Aug 2021, 00:18

I am so sorry Frank, that is so sad. But animals dont think like we do. They miss what they are used to for a short time but then they move on. They dont do the torturing themselves we do, remember when we sat together, we played together etc, they deal in the now.

I had two cats, brother and sister, indoor cats too, but when Mowgli died Mia looked for him for a couple of days, but she moved on and when she went to the cattery all on her own, something I was dreading they remarked on how much more confident she was without Mowgli
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