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Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 21:02
by miasmum
Mowgli is fine from a pancreatitis/hepatitis point of view, eating well, playing, lively etc.

However, before he was ill for about a year or so, he had been sneezy and snuffling with slightly runny eyes. I spoke to Simon when he had his vaccinations and he said that as we know Mowgli carries the chlamydia virus it could be that and something has activated it. He said as his eyes weren't too bad and his nose was clear just to watch him. It never changed, didn't get any worse, sometimes looked better that others. He did sneeze a lot and he was snuffly when he ate.

When he was really poorly I forgot about the snuffling and it is only over the last week or so that I am weaning him off his steroids it has started coming back. So I think it is allergy based and the steroids kept it under control.

The problem now is his right nostril every so often bleeds when he sneezes. It is only when he sneezes, you can tell from the distribution of the blood stained watery discharge. It never bleeds without him sneezing, as soon as he stops sneezing it stops and it is only one nostril and his eye is not running.

I rang the vets for some advice and Simon said whilst it is intermittent he will leave it, but if it continues then it will need to be investigated with a CT scan. I can't afford a CT scan to be honest and the problem isn't the nose it is the sneezing. If we could stop the sneezing we would stop the bleeding.

However I did a stupid thing tonight and googled it and read a few accounts of cats with nasal tumours. If it were that though, surely it would bleed whether he sneezed or not? Also the fact his eyes are pink and runny says allergy to me, which is backed up from the fact the steroids completely cleared it up

What do you think and anyone else had a sneezy cat or dog?

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 21:18
by debih

Google has an awful lot to answer for!

I've got no experience of this at all but do you think he could have something in his nostril MM?

Fingers crossed that it is something really simple and he will be back to normal soon.

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 21:23
by Kaz
I hope it's something easily treatable ((((((((((((Mowgli)))))))))))

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 21:26
by JoM
Poor Mowgli (((((Mowgli)))))
I hope it can be easily sorted, I know we're different creatures but I get allergies and my nose bleeds on occasions when I sneeze ;)

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 21:47
by miasmum
No I don't think there is something in his nostril because then I would expect his nostril to run with a nasty discharge and to bleed all the time whereas it literally is when he sneezes really hard. Also both is eyes are pink and a bit runny and have been ever since this started a year or so ago.

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 10:28
by meriad
Shell, if you suspect it's an allergy then speak to Simon and with his agreement try Mowgli on a course of Piriton. It has to be Piriton and the childrens version as that is suitable for pets and I think it's about 1/4 tablet once a day. You can buy them at most shops and they aren't that expensive.

if that does the trick then you know it's an allergy you're dealing with and then the fun starts to figure out what it is. If it's a food allergy then there generally are other signs as well; scabbing around the head, esp mouth and eyes and ears as well as loose or runny poo's. Most common food intolerances for cats are cereals or fish; both which are actually a lot easier to cut out than you think.

A few people on CatChat highly recommend a natural supplement called Lysine. one guy on the forum who always double and tripple checks nearly every site there is to make sure he gets the best deal recommended as follows: You can get them for £6.72 delivered from Amazon ... 672&sr=8-2

Apparently the Lysine is really good to boost the immune system and esp helps cats that have respiratory issues. That would hopefully stop or at least reduce any mucus and discharge and reduce the sneezing as well? Cathy Day on CC is the best person to ask - she has lots of experience using it.

Best of luck

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 10:30
by meriad this is a US site but has some quite interesting information as well :)

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 18:42
by miasmum
Thank you so much I will look into that. I need to speak to Simon but I don't want him going down the CT scanning route unless it is absolutely necessary

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 23:48
by Lozzles
Oh poor old Mowgli. He really is going through the mill at the moment...and taking you with him (((((((((((Shell & Mowgli)))))))))))) Hope it is something that can be treated easily.

Re: Lets worry mum again time

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2012, 09:37
by debih
How is he today Shell?

Any improvements? Did you manage to speak to Simon?