She's back at the vets again.

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She's back at the vets again.

Postby debih » 18 Dec 2012, 12:15

She's still not keeping food down. She's lost 1/4 of her body weight.

She regurgitated again last night and this morning so Mick rang the vets and we have taken her in - to their surgery at Buxton this time. They are putting a camera down to take a look to see if they can see anything.

The vet thinks it could be a hyatal hernia (sp) and if it is it can either be operated on or controlled by diet. But there is also a risk that is swelling of the oesophogus - the prognosis for that is not good at all. He is not convinced that it is the tablets that have upset her stomach because of the speed at which the food comes back up.

They will be ringing us later this afternoon to let us know what they have found. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed that they either find nothing, and it is just the tablets, or a hernia.

I will let you know how she gets on - I have posted it on facebook but am not as quick to post good news on there as I am bad. ;)
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby Teaspoon » 18 Dec 2012, 13:44

Poor Millie, I hope that whatever the vet finds is easily treatable. You must be so worried about her.
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby meriad » 18 Dec 2012, 13:55

I am so sorry Debih, what a worry for you all. Crossing everything that can be crossed that they find whatever it is and you have a healthy Millie back home.

(((hug)))) to you
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby miasmum » 18 Dec 2012, 14:32

So sorry Deb. Fingers crossed she has something easily treatable and she is back with you pronto. Come on Millie girl, sort yourself out (there is no hug smilie )
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby JoM » 18 Dec 2012, 17:05

Fingers crossed for good news Deb!

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby Lozzles » 18 Dec 2012, 18:22

Hoping to hear some good news debih x
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby miasmum » 18 Dec 2012, 18:44

and me, I keep popping in :(
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby Kaz » 18 Dec 2012, 19:01

Me too :o xxxxx
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby miasmum » 18 Dec 2012, 19:21

Getting worried now :o
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Re: She's back at the vets again.

Postby debih » 18 Dec 2012, 19:31

Its good news. Sorry I haven't posted earlier as the vet rang just as I was leaving for school pick up and then I had to take L to the opticians and get the girls home and fed ready for the carol service tonight.

The vet put the camera down and found loads and loads of tiny ulcers and burns. He isn't sure if they are caused by a reaction to the tablets/metacam medicine or by the acid in the vomit that has been coming back up.

It's going to be a long job getting her better - it will take 6 to 8 weeks of small, liquid meals with a thick medicine to be taken 30 minutes before each meal but all should be fine. Worst possible case scenario with this is that the ulcers will leave scarring and she may be on a more liquid than solid diet for life.

She is very dozy at the moment as she had an anaesthetic but she is obviously hungry (she hasn't eaten all day apart from the food that came back up at 7 this morning) as she heard me moving about in the kitchen and came trotting through. So she has had her first lot of medicine and I will give her her first lot of food in about 15 minutes.

I'm not sure if it is likely to come back up or not - I assume that some meals will for a while. The vet wasn't there when Mick went to pick her up so he wasn't able to ask. But I am back again on Thursday for the dressing on her leg to be changed so I will speak to them then.

It's a massive relief to get to the bottom of it. I feel completely drained. I was supposed to the village carols round the tree but I really don't feel up to it so my lovely neighbour has offered to take the girls down. Mick is already down there, sorting something out with the tree so he will bring them home. I intend on having a very large glass of wine and soaking in the bath.

:D :D :D :D :D
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