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Poor Mia

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 19:03
by miasmum
She spent all day yesterday in the vets having her bloods and urine testing done. I went to pick her up and Katie the nurse said 'all we haven't done is clip her claws, so if you hold her I'll do them" I said it was fine, Tim does her claws but Katie said "she is here now we might as well do it"

So I held a squawking, wriggling, panicking Mia, whilst Katie clipped.

I was telling Tim when he got home and I said "I think what she was trying to say is my daddy cuts my nails thank you very much"

Tim said "no what she was trying to say was, my daddy cuts my nails thank you very much and HE ONLY DID THEM LAST NIGHT"

poor cat no wonder she was complaining :o :o

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 19:24
by debih
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Mia.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2013, 20:11
by miasmum
Its a good job she doesn't climb trees put it that way :lol:

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2013, 00:28
by Lozzles
Oh no! :shock: :lol: Poor kitty :lol:

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2013, 11:39
by Kaz
:shock: Oh noooo poor Mia :oops: :oops:

Did make me giggle a bit though, sorry :oops: :lol: :lol:

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2013, 21:46
by Gal
Gosh I've never clipped any of my cats claws :o Is it something you do regularly MM?

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2013, 00:54
by JoM
Oh no!!! No wonder she was complaining!! Poor Mia!

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2013, 15:33
by meriad
Poor Mia - a bit surprised though that the vet nurse didn't notice they'd already been clipped :o

Gal, I clip the claws of three of mine; they are confined to house and cat proofed garden so don't really have anywhere to 'scuff' their claws as such and their claws do grow too long after a while and they keep catching on things like carpet, bedding etc. All I do when that happens is try and clip just the tips, but they hate it so it's always a bit of a mission.

The three that have total outdoor access I never trim and have never really needed to

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2013, 20:34
by Gal
Ah the fact that they're indoor cats might explain it, none of mine ever were ;)

Re: Poor Mia

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2013, 22:23
by miasmum
Mine were indoor cats, so they had to be clipped for the same reason as Ria's