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Wet food for cats

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2014, 19:54
by kathy22
I am wondering whether to stop with the wet food I give my cats and stick to just dried food. At the moment I give them both, dried in the evening and wet in the morning and mid day. But they seem to be getting quite fussy with the wet food lately. Anyone else had this problem or is it just a phase they are going through.


Re: Wet food for cats

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 11:05
by meriad
What wet food are you feeding them? Quite a few people have said that their cats seem to have gone off Felix. I vary what I feed mine and that seems to work so maybe try that?

But I definitely would not recommend stopping the wet food completely if you can.... if anything it's better for cats to be on a 100% wet food diet and no dry at all as wet food is more what they'd eat naturally.

But if you are feeding dry food only then make sure it's a top quality one and have loads of water bowls around the house

Re: Wet food for cats

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 15:49
by kathy22
Well usually the Gourmet range as they went off whiskers and just stopped eating It. I vary it so they are not eating them same flavour all the time

Re: Wet food for cats

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 15:56
by kathy22
As a post script they are rescue cats and I don't think they have been fed properly when they were kittens as the original owners moved out and left them behind and if not for the neighbours hearing them crying they would have just starved to death.

Re: Wet food for cats

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2014, 17:58
by meriad
I'm always amazed at just how fussy most rescue cats are :D :D :D , mine can be right monsters when it comes to feeding. I suspect it's because they know we feel sorry for them and want to do right by them and make up for their horrid past so will often do what it takes to get them to eat.

Cats 1:0 Human Slave