
For those non-humans who share our home


Postby Kaz » 22 Feb 2014, 16:30

:( I'm afraid he's in the bad books again, this time he's really upset/annoyed me. He's peed in the corner of my living room, up my floor length patio curtains - the cream ones Di , like the ones you posted about - and the carpet there :( No idea why, he must have done it this morning as it was still soaking wet :?

I've had to take down the curtains, rinse and soak them and now they are in the washer............I hope it comes out, as being male his pee is very dark yellow :? Mick has had the vax on the carpet and that seems ok.............apart from him hurting his back when he lifted it awkwardly! *sigh* :roll: :roll:

What with this and the pyjama thing it's been a bit full on with him this week!

We love Fraggs to bits but he is obviously a bit 'damaged' by his past, and a lot harder work and higher maintenance than we realised he would be :( We need to look into a behaviourist of some sort I think.................... :? Becks has a college friend who works with 'damaged' rescue dogs at GAWA ( a local rescue near here) and she is going to ask her about what she thinks we need to do!
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby molly » 22 Feb 2014, 16:42

Oh dear Kaz. Sorry to hear it.

You don't suppose he is upset because H has gone home.

Hope B's friend comes up with some ideas.

We are doggie sitting at the moment and he did a poo in the living room yesterday while I was out. :evil:
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby Kaz » 22 Feb 2014, 16:56

It could be that I suppose, or the fact B is home after 3 weeks away at uni - I just wish I knew so we could address it :(

He gets walked twice a day, he has toys, lots of love and fuss - he's been here 5 months now so he must realise we love him....... :?

I know he can't help it, but it is annoying :oops:

Whoops for your little house guest! :shock: :( Hope it cleaned up easily enough! Fraggs pooed a couple of times - mainly when he was scared, around bonfire night for instance - but in a way peeing is harder to clean :? :roll:
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby molly » 22 Feb 2014, 17:10

Kaz wrote: Hope it cleaned up easily enough! Fraggs pooed a couple of times - mainly when he was scared, around bonfire night for instance - but in a way peeing is harder to clean :? :roll:

Easy to clean up because he is so little and yes, much easier than a wee.

We had a dog who would poo and pee every time we went out. Luckily it was a girl so she didn't pee "up" things.

It is such a nuisance when you can't trust them. :evil: :evil:
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby Kaz » 22 Feb 2014, 17:44

It has been a headache today - literally as my head has been splitting :? :(

Thank you for the concern, and support molly :) xxx
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby molly » 22 Feb 2014, 18:36

Found this (though you have probably already found it yourself)…….interesting bit right down at the bottom on how to retrain them. ... wjfvP0q9j4
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby Kaz » 22 Feb 2014, 19:36

Molly that's really useful, thanks so much! What is also useful is a recipe there for removing urine stains - the Vax has worked fairly well but there is still a little staining from a couple of previous accidents on my landing - so I will try it 8-) :) :)

Thanks again! 8-) 8-) :) :)
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby Diflower » 22 Feb 2014, 20:42

Oh no! :shock:

Didn't see this earlier, have only briefly whizzed in and out.
What a pain Kaz, do really hope there are some ideas on that link (haven't time to look just now).

If not, these are my couple of thoughts, just in case they may help.
Firstly, as I would with a puppy, literally set the oven timer for an hour, and take him out every hour - not open the door in case he wants to, but take him out, on a lead even. And as soon as he wees/poos, really praise him.
Second, yes he gets walked and has toys, but it may not be enough, he's only about two isn't he? :? Does he get to run about, off the lead, when he's out?

And do you have garden toys and go outside and play with him? I know all too well we haven't had the weather for it lately, but when it's not raining, go out with him (and Pepper, obviously!); play football, whatever.

Btw if those curtains are like our old ones they should wash fine ;)
Hugs for you and for Fraggle x
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby Kaz » 22 Feb 2014, 21:00

Oh thanks Di :)

He gets to run on the extension lead, but not off it as he just will NOT come back when called - he's a stubborn little monster, much harder to train than Pepper! He is getting much better at "sit" and *finally* he is starting to get down from the back of the sofa in the window when told.....but off the lead he gets too overexcited as yet, and just won't come back! Mick walks them both miles in the evenings, Pepper has never been so slim and fit :roll: :lol: :lol: Mick has lost some belly too ;) :lol:

We might well try the timer thing, although we are inclined (and Becks agrees) that it is more for attention than for being caught short.......but we can try it :)

Yes we play with him, but since the severe rain the back lawn is a bit of a quagmire so not so much lately :oops: :oops: He loves to fetch and play with a ball, and Harry plays a bit of footie with him :)

The curtain is fine!!! Thank goodness, the staining came out, I gave it a little while on the cold air cycle in the dryer and then we hung it back up still damp, and pulled it across so it will air out 8-) :) I'll do the other one tomorrow - there is so much material in them that they have to be washed one at a time, and B's washing has had to take priority :roll: It's been like a Chinese laundry here today :roll:

I'm cuddling the little monster as I type - nobody could stay cross with that face for long................. ;) :lol: :D
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Re: Fraggle!

Postby molly » 22 Feb 2014, 21:29

Now our little monster is not too bad off the lead but now he is perfect………..because he wants some of this ... s-greates/

It says at the bottom that the dog watched the whole cooking process……..our little chap never watches me cook because he doesn't get titbits when I am cooking but he sat staring at me through the whole process when I was making this. He will do absolutely anything for it. Sit, lie down, paw, stay, come……….and he know that when it gets to a certain point on his walk, that is when he comes over to get his lead on and gets a piece of this cake.

I cut it into cubes and freeze it.

Might be worth a try and it is much cheaper than buying snacks.
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