Houses for sale

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Re: Houses for sale

Postby Gal » 12 Mar 2013, 22:17

Jo the bed set in the main bedroom on your link is the same as one of mine :D

Some lovely houses here :D

Re: Houses for sale

Postby Diflower » 12 Mar 2013, 23:30

miasmum wrote:It worked that time Di. What I don't like is that you can't get to the dining room from the kitchen, without walking down the hall and through the lounge, unless you go outside :lol:

Glad it worked :)
No, that's what I meant must be a mistake, although I don't think she did it, the door has been taken out, she may have a hatch but who wants a blinking hatch! Pass everyone's food through, then traipse out of the kitchen, along the hall, into the lounge end, and down to the dining table :roll:
Actually when we have eg Bb's mum and dad here to eat, as well as the boys, we stick the boys at the end of the table near the French windows, so they can get out that way and back in the kitchen :lol: But we do have a door inside too ;)

Also, what always strikes us when nosing at the details, is that although all the kitchens have been updated, no-one else seems to have moved the kitchen sink! Originally it was midway down the left wall for everyone. Our kitchen had to be done as soon as we moved in, and the first thing we did with the design was to put the sink under the kitchen window. Isn't that the logical place for it??
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Re: Houses for sale

Postby JoM » 13 Mar 2013, 00:07

I would've said yes to it being the logical place...but then I thought "mine's not anywhere near a window" :lol:

Just a little update - John's Mom's place is sold, she's accepted an offer this afternoon. Who knows how long it will take to go through the legal process and move but she's going to Tunisia for two weeks in May and said to John tonight that if it clashed with her moving then he'd have to move her belongings out while she was away. You can imagine what he said to that, not that it would happen that way anyway because it'd probably be shortly after she'd signed the contract and obviously she'd need to be here to do that. In June we have plans for most weekends - London on the 1st/2nd, he's in a cycle race two weeks later and then the following weekend we see Blondie. Her response to finding out we have plans? "Only if I'm not moving that weekend...". :roll: Again, I'm sure you can imagine what he said about that. She's decided that she's not getting a removal company, John and his BIL can move her things with a hired van.

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: Houses for sale

Postby Weka » 13 Mar 2013, 06:47

Oh Jo!
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Re: Houses for sale

Postby Diflower » 13 Mar 2013, 10:05

Oh dear Jo...lots of very deep breaths for the next few weeks methinks
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Re: Houses for sale

Postby JoM » 13 Mar 2013, 18:36

LOL thanks, I'm well practised in the art of deep breaths (and biting my tongue) where she's concerned ;)
Of course, if she comes to stay at any time I may be taking up residency on one of the boards for the duration so will be needing company :lol:

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Re: Houses for sale

Postby Diflower » 13 Mar 2013, 22:28

If John and his BIL can afford it, they could get the removal company as a moving house present ;)
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Re: Houses for sale

Postby Weka » 14 Mar 2013, 06:41

Di I like that idea!!
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Re: Houses for sale

Postby JoM » 14 Mar 2013, 13:22

:lol: Unfortunately we couldn't afford several hundred pounds to do that for her (and really, we didn't even get a New Home card from her when we moved...) and I'm pretty certain T&M couldn't afford to do that either - but she's got the money to hire a company, she's just too stingy to shell out :roll:

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Re: Houses for sale

Postby Diflower » 14 Mar 2013, 14:23

No, I didn't think it would really be an option Jo - it's horrible moving with a van at the best of times, it's so lovely when you can have 'proper' men to do it for you. Obviously she thinks that's what she's got :roll:
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