The garden this year ....

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The garden this year ....

Postby TheOstrich » 10 Jul 2019, 21:38

We have had a lovely display of petunias at the front - until the damn neighbourhood moggie decided it might be fun to sit in the middle of them! :evil:

After a slow start, our geraniums are nicely in bloom and the "Rose of Sharon" is a mass of yellow flowers.

I had mentally written off the crop of garlic cloves I planted out in a couple of tubs last autumn, but amazingly, when we came to pull them up, they had all developed new bulbs, some not a bad size at all, so we have a dozen of them drying off in the kitchen.

The two courgettes I planted out in a growbag have thrived, the only problem being they're obviously not courgettes :shock: - they're marrows! I'm not quite sure what went wrong there .... :lol: So far we've had a couple off them.

Similarly the tomatoes seem to be bearing a lot of green fruit, waiting to ripen, but the peppers and chillies aren't particularly advanced yet.

Unlike many of you oop north, we've had virtually no rain down in Dorset over the last three weeks or so, and the water butt is now empty. Could really do with a decent downpour .... :|
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Re: The garden this year ....

Postby cruiser2 » 11 Jul 2019, 08:34

I have got several Evening primrose which are starting to flower. I was given one several years ago and new ones self germinate each year.
Have got a Silver Wedding and a Ruby Wedding rose in bloom as well as begonias and other flowers. Forgotten their names. Just like the colour.
No Veg as we only have small gardens at the front and back.

Ossie, I can remember having fried marrow when I was young. My father grew them and my mother cooked them.
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Re: The garden this year ....

Postby Kaz » 11 Jul 2019, 09:52

My geraniums in my patio pots are beautiful this year, really big and full. One of my petunias hanging baskets died off, but the survivor is an absolutely beautiful show of purple and white flowers - I moved it to the prime spot by the front door :)

We have cucumbers and tomatoes in D's greenhouse - the tomatoes are ok but the cukes have failed. D has a bumper crop of strawberries, that she's been growing behind the greenhouse. We've already had two huge pyrex mixing bowls full, which is great for Mick and B, but I'm allergic :roll: :lol:
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