%^%$%^$ Eon!!

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%^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby Gal2 » 29 Jan 2023, 16:35

I started getting emails from them (my previous provider) shortly into the new year, saying I owed them £868 for gas supplied. I cut ties with them in March 2021 and went with Octopus who I have been with since, so I ignored the first couple of emails. Then I realised my bank still had the DD details so I cancelled that. Then the texts started, ultimately I am now short of three weeks down the line and no further forward!

I have spoken to several "Energy Specialists" but they say they will look into it and then I hear no more. So when yet another email landed on Friday I rang again and this time I *think* it's being taken seriously. I was told that they didn't have a final read for gas used but quite why it's taken them this long to realise that, I really don't know.

I've also been in touch with Octopus to request the final read, but before they have replied, I have gone online and can clearly see what the start read was for them, so would that be enough to let Eon know the figure and cease this madness?

I'm out of patience now, the poor guy on Friday got the blast of my frustration :twisted: :roll: :lol:
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby cruiser2 » 29 Jan 2023, 20:56

It is bad management if it has taken all this time to find that you allegely owe money.
As soon as you left Eon someone should have checked that you had given them a meter reading for gas and electricity.
When you contact Eon just say it is their fault for not checking that the have the correct information.
You do not know whatthey want or have got. Be polite but unco-operative. Make them wait for answers. "Your call is important" springs to mind.
Good luck with your dealings
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby Gal2 » 29 Jan 2023, 21:20

Thanks cruiser, I’ve actually screen shot my first bill with Octopus which shows the first read so have emailed Eon with it. I understand what you’re saying but I just want it all done with so I can forget about it. It’s been very stressful.

Octopus assured me they HAD sent the read, but this will hopefully back it up.
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby cruiser2 » 30 Jan 2023, 16:53

Have been with Octopus fopr some time.
Have found them to be very good in replying to emails and phone calls. Even send emails telling what they intend to do.If you do not agree you can
change the monthly direct debit.
One time had to wait two days for a reply to an email.But this was at a avery busy time and they did apologise.
I always say I get good service and it is easy to send meter readings every month.
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby Kaz » 30 Jan 2023, 17:16

Oh how annoying! :shock: :evil: Hope you get it sorted xx
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby JoM » 30 Jan 2023, 17:59

Hope that’s soon sorted Gal, the whole switching process is supposed to be so easy and should be with the technology available.

We’re with EDF for dual fuels, we have a smart meter and they had a widespread problem obtaining data for the whole of December so grossly overestimated our usage, and then wanted to increase our DD by £80 a month (we were nearly £400 in credit after the half yearly bill in December). I filled in the online form to say that I didn’t agree with this and had to select an amount I’d pay with the minimum amount they’d accept being £10 more than we were paying at that time. I had a message back saying that they’d review it and be in contact within two working days. I heard nothing, I resubmitted the form several times and it was only a week or so back that I resorted to a Twitter DM and it was dealt with quickly by them.

They seem to be having the same problem with collecting smart meter data this month too as I’ve got no readings on the app since Jan 5th :roll: Whatever fix they put in place at the end of December didn’t last very long!

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby Gal2 » 05 Feb 2023, 16:08

Just to update, the screenshot did the trick! The next day I got an email from eon with a zero balance and a closed account!

Octopus can’t have sent the final read, and I’d been dealing with underlings at eon up until the lovely Nico took on my case. I’d done the ultimate sin of calling the help number directly from an email but in this case it was the ONLY thing that did the trick.

Thanks for reading x
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Re: %^%$%^$ Eon!!

Postby Kaz » 05 Feb 2023, 16:41

Well done! 8-)
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