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Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2024, 08:47
by cruiser2
I have got ants coming out between the window frame and the sill on one of the windows in the kitchen extension.
This is on the outside.
I have already used one canister of spray to try and stop them. But they keep coming back.

So this morning someone is coming from a local window company to give me a price to remove the glass and frame. Then take out as much
as possible of the original insulation in the cavity and put new material in Then fit a new frame with the original glass.
The window was installed when the extension was built when I was still working. Probably in 1980.

Neve rhad any problems with ants before.
Checked my insurance but this only covers wasps and hornets. No mention of ants.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2024, 15:35
by Kaz
I would poke around the garden, see if I could find the nest. Then a kettle of boiling water.....

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2024, 07:48
by cruiser2
I think the nest' is in the cavity in the brick work. The ants are coming out not going in.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2024, 18:50
by Kaz
Oh! Definitely one for the experts then.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2024, 19:41
by TheOstrich
A few weeks back, we had a bald patch develop in the back lawn, about the size of a side-plate. The grass had all died. :?

So I had a word with Andy, who does our mowing.

"Any ideas what's caused that, Andy?"
Then he jumped up in the air and landed slap next to the bald spot! :shock:
"There ya go, Ossie!"
"Take a look.... " :twisted:
And all of a sudden there were ants going everywhere! :o

"Kettle 'o hot water'll sort that lot out, Ossie" :mrgreen:

So I followed his advice.
And now we have a dead spot the size of a dinner-plate. :roll:

Hope you get your ant problem fixed, Cruiser. It's a beggar when they get inside the house, I know from experience.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2024, 09:03
by Kaz
:lol: It will grow back :oops: :lol:

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2024, 09:29
by JanB
We had teeny, tiny ants coming in the house. Looked around and found that there was a little dirt around a skirting board.

Sprayed it, with just fly spray and not seen one since.

Just get a can of whatever you can over there Cruiser and spray against the cavity.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2024, 08:06
by cruiser2
Had the new window fitted yesterday. Coudn't get t the insulation as there was brickwork all along underneath the cill.

So the window fitter put powder in all the holes and along the surface. This would mean any ants coming up would have to come
through this barrier. The powder would kill them.

So hopefully I will not see any more ants.

It has not been cheap but I hope the problem has been solved.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2024, 08:31
by meriad
have to ask.... ants in house, yes I know you have to get rid of them as they can cause damage; but ants in the garden - why kill them? They're not a pest, they actually help aerate your soil, getting water, oxygen, and nutrients to your plants' roots, as well as serving as tasty meals for frogs and birds.

Re: Ant Invasion

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2024, 15:19
by cruiser2
The ants were coming out between the window frame and the cill on the outside. I did not want them coming into the house.

I had tried spraying ant killer but it did not seem to stop them.
I feel much happier having had a new window fitted with a barrier of powder through which the ants will have to come.

If I see them on the lawn I just leave them.