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Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 18:32
by Diflower
Oh good Debih, I'm only taking my kindle on holiday and am saving that and the Kate Morton :)

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 18:37
by debih
I got about 1/4 of the way through the Kate Morton when I had to take it back to the library.

I have it on my kindle now to finish . It's the next on my list

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 20:15
by Osc
I've just started The Other Queen by Philippa Gregory, about Mary Queen of Scots. I do enjoy her books, and having watched her presenting The Real White Queen, I like her too!

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 22:41
by debih
I like Phillipa Gregory. I know a huge amount is fiction but she does seem to do her research on it first.

The White Princess talks a lot about Perkins Walbeck who was reputed to be Prince Richard (one of the princes who disappeared in the tower, or rather didn't).

I wonder if her next book in that series (if there is one) will be about his wife.

But after the White Princess we move onto Henry VIII so I don't know of there will be more in that series now.

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 22:45
by Osc
debih wrote:The White Princess talks a lot about Perkins Walbeck who was reputed to be Prince Richard (one of the princes who disappeared in the tower, or rather didn't).

In the programme she did speculate as to whether Elizabeth Woodville substituted a servant boy for one of her sons in the Tower, as someone claiming to be one of the princes emerged in later years.

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2013, 18:49
by Gal
Gal wrote:I have just picked up No Turning Back by Susan Lewis :)

I managed about one chapter before deciding I CBA with it :( It's not often I give up on a book but whether it's my state of mind just now or what, I just couldn't get into it at all.

I am now reading Fern Michaels' Up Close and Personal :)

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2013, 21:28
by miasmum
I finished The Secret Keeper, it was good but a couple of things really got on my nerves, so I look forward to someone else reading it so we can compare.

I am now reading Is That It? Bob Geldof's autobiography

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2013, 22:24
by Diflower
Some of Kate Morton's other books have grated with me, or just gone on too much, but I do like her writing so am happy to read it and see. Am saving it for next week ;)

I read Is That It? when it first came out, so Live Aid was still fresh in my mind and really enjoyed it, will be interesting to see if it's any good this many years later.

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2013, 19:54
by Aggers
I am now reading "DAWN" by Sir Rider Haggard, and I'm finding it so hard to put down, and so interesting.
Previously I had only read his well-known adventure stories, such as King Soloman's Mines, She, etc., but
having downloaded his complete works (about 50 novels) I find that he also wrote many, what I would call,
Victorian-type stories that I find completely captivating.

What I particularly like is the was he uses the English Language so correctly, and is so skilled at portraying
his character's feelings and emotions. I'm definitely taking my Kindle on holiday.

Re: What Are We Reading In August?

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2013, 22:02
by Diflower
Aggers have you looked at the Robert Louis Stevenson books that are free for the kindle?
He also wrote a brilliant book called 'The Art of Writing' which is fascinating, but sadly not free - one maybe for you to look out for though?