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What are we reading in June?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2024, 06:04
by Ally
I'm about to start Joanna Lumley's memoir Absolutely. :D

Re: What are we reading in June?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2024, 15:54
by Kaz
That should be fun, Ally :D

I'm a couple of chapters into The Second Chance by Charlotte Butterfield. It's an easy read, fairly amusing. A woman has lived her life believing she will die on a certain date, aged 38, as a psychic told her and a friend their "death dates", and it happened for the friend exactly as foretold! :shock:

The date approaches, she sells everything she owns, writes and posts some goodbye letters - containing some home truths, and secrets - and checks into a fancy hotel expecting not to see the dawn - but of course she does :shock: :lol: :lol: Looking forward to the fallout :P :lol:

Re: What are we reading in June?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2024, 18:48
by JoM
That sounds interesting Kaz! :lol:

Al, that should be a good read :D

I’m reading The Woman Who Took A Chance by Fiona Gibson and quite enjoying it. I’d totally lost my reading mojo and only finished reading Lisa Jewell’s Before I Met You a few weeks ago which I started (I think) before Christmas.

Re: What are we reading in June?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2024, 19:02
by Kaz
Yes, can you imagine! Firing off all that confessional stuff, but then having to be around for the consequences..... :shock: :? :lol: :lol: