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What are we reading in January?

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2025, 06:42
by Ally
I've not long started Lynda La Plante's Taste of Blood.

Thoroughly enjoying it.

Re: What are we reading in January?

PostPosted: 01 Jan 2025, 10:10
by JoM
I’m a few pages into Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

Re: What are we reading in January?

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2025, 17:33
by Kaz
The House in the Water, by Victoria.Scott. Bit of a ghost story, set on the banks of the Thames.

Re: What are we reading in January?

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2025, 21:20
by TheOstrich
JoM wrote:I’m a few pages into Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

"Demon Copperhead" was chosen by Mrs O's Book Club last year, Jo, and I read her copy. I thought it was an excellent, and very moving read; hope you enjoy it.
Her other books, not so good though.

Mrs O and I have just finished a most remarkable book we picked up from our local Oxfam Bookshop.
"The Cautious Traveller's Guide to the Wastelands" by Sarah Brooks (2024)
It's very compelling, stylish, beautifully written, but as for a classification or genre, the best I can come up with is Steampunk!
Murder on the Orient Express it is most certainly not ..... :mrgreen:
If you see it, give it a go! :lol: ... 1399607537

Re: What are we reading in January?

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2025, 16:31
by Kaz
That looks different Ossie :D