Strictly Final

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Strictly Final

Postby TheOstrich » 22 Dec 2012, 20:57

... oh wow!

Denise and Louis's showdances - superb
Kimberley's waltz - ethereal
Dani - perhaps a little too nervous, unfortunately ....
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby Lozzles » 22 Dec 2012, 21:38

Loving the show, but I find the show dances a bit manic :P
Looking forward to part 2. I think Dani will be out first. I would like to see Kimberley win :D
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby Diflower » 22 Dec 2012, 23:56

I loved it :D
And voted for Louis after the first 2 dances - it's one of very few phone votes I ever do, and hadn't expected to vote for him but he was so impressive :D
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby jenniren » 23 Dec 2012, 00:15

We expected to be routing for Kimberley and she was beautiful especially in the waltz, but Louis was just outstanding tonight so we're delighted he won.

Well done Louis :D :D :D :D
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby Rodo » 23 Dec 2012, 01:46

I couldn't watch the dancing live as I was singing in a concert tonight. The concert went very well but my mind was on the dancing. We were off like a shot when it had finished and by ten o'clock we were sitting down with a coffee, a brandy and some liquer chocolates ready to start viewing. We finished viewing at 12.30. I wouldn't have missed that for the world. I knew who was going to win in the final dance. What a worthy winner and what a wonderful wonderful show.

Re: Strictly Final

Postby miasmum » 23 Dec 2012, 02:22

I wanted Kimberly to win, as much for Pasha as I think he is a fantastic pro, but I was happy for Flavia and Louis and his salsa was amazing. Kicking myself as 14 weeks ago the minute I saw him and Flavia together I said he would win, I wish I had looked into putting money on it. A few pennies would have been nice.

Not sure who Vincent's show dance was supposed to be showcasing, but it certainly wasn't Dani. Prior to tonight I thought Denise would go out first, but she deserved her place in the final three.

Is there usually three in the final, for some reason I thought there were two in previous years?
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby Fugitive » 23 Dec 2012, 10:08

Haven't seen Part 2 yet but after watching Part 1 I had a feeling Louis was a winner. I have never felt comfortable watching Dani. She gets all the steps right in all the right places but never once did I get excited watching her.

Denise was wonderful and Kimberly pure joy so well done to Louis. It's been great television from the very start.
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby miasmum » 23 Dec 2012, 12:17

Actually I find it interesting that only a few weeks ago people were commenting on the fact it was a poor year for celebs and that they couldn't see many of them ever being good enough to win. Yet we ended up with 3 couples and the closest final I can remember
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby TheOstrich » 23 Dec 2012, 13:32

In a way, we were slightly disappointed that Louis won the popular vote on the night, as we remained convinced Denise was the best celebrity dancer - as the judges also demonstrated by their voting; she was top of their leader board.

But we were pleased for Flavia, who was consistently brilliant throughout the weeks.
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Re: Strictly Final

Postby Rodo » 23 Dec 2012, 14:31

Louis' show dance was just something else. Len said there wouldn't ever be another one like it. It made Denise and James' show dance look frantic and hectic. I think Louis was a worthy winner.


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