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Incidental music on TV programs

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2020, 15:24
by cromwell
It's driving me nuts. In some cases the background music is louder than the dialogue! I've watched Vera, documentaries and Homicide Hunter and others recently and overly loud music is creeping in everywhere. It usually features a tinkly piano, played slowly. Does some one handed piano player have compromising photos of TV producers?
I think we should be told.

Re: Incidental music on TV programs

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2020, 15:37
by Gal2
It could be just me but we have started using the subtitle feature much more lately. Even things like Corrie, can sometimes miss what they're saying :?

OK it's just me....I'll get me coat >>>>>>>>>

Re: Incidental music on TV programs

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2020, 15:39
by cromwell
No, it's not just you - and I'm not going deaf either! (honest!)

Re: Incidental music on TV programs

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2020, 15:52
by Workingman
The background muzak is a pain, but what gets to me is the music within a programme. Take Pointless or Mastermind, the music is so loud it has to be turned down, but then when the presenters speak it has to be turned up again, the same goes for adverts.

The TV Cos say the volume stays the same, but my laptop mic recording them says differently. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Incidental music on TV programs

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2020, 20:51
by TheOstrich
Interesting you mentioned Vera, Crommers, as I noticed that very point last Sunday. Sometimes it's difficult enough to follow the regional accents in themselves without having to filter out the music ...