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Doc Martin

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2021, 10:21
by cromwell
It took a long time for the penny to drop, but we eventually worked out the names.
The names that Doc Martin shouts out for the next patient to come through.
Standouts are:-
Albert Ross
Leanne Perrins
Daryl Hannah
Ben Twilley
Nick da Silva
Iona Castle
Alice Cooper
Anita Bush
Honor Todd
Helen Highwater
Alice Cooper
Drew Peacock

Re: Doc Martin

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2021, 12:35
by Kaz
I was a few series in before I noticed too :lol: So funny :lol:

As an aside, Martin Clunes lives in Dorset, not far from my brother and sister in law, and he has charity open days on his farm. They've been to one and met him, and he was lovely :)

Re: Doc Martin

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2021, 20:24
by miasmum
Years ago and I am talking possibly 23 years ago, we stayed for the weekend in Dorset. We went to the local pub and the landlord was telling us Martin Clunes lived in the village. He never came in the local pub and none of the locals liked him because he refused to speak to any of them or support the village. I am guessing he has mellowed with age and country living :lol: :lol: