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The Birmingham Meet.

PostPosted: 16 May 2017, 13:11
by AliasAggers
I've just been checking up on my diary, and find I have nothing entered for the Birmingham Meet.

Checking though the posts on this subject, I see that the first Tuesday in July was suggested, but
I can find no confirmation that this was eventually decided upon, which was why an entry in my
diary was not made.

I assume that the date suggested was, in fact, agreed upon. If so, I very much regret that I will be
unable to attend, as we have booked, and paid for, a two-day visit to London for July 4th & 5th.
I will be most disappointed.

Might I suggest that It would be helpful if, once a date has been agreed for this event, particulars
of the venue and date be put as a fixture at the beginning of the board messages, where it
can be easily found by any members interested.

Re: The Birmingham Meet.

PostPosted: 17 May 2017, 07:46
by Ally
Errrmm Aggers - there is a Birmingham meet thread right at the top of the cafe board. :?

You've actually posted a couple of comments on it. :lol: :lol:

Re: The Birmingham Meet.

PostPosted: 17 May 2017, 08:26
by Kaz
Aggers! :shock: As Ally says, the Brum meet thread is there, and the first Tuesday in July was the only date mentioned, on the first page, and we all agreed the 4th was suitable. Including you.

Very sorry that you and W won't be there. As you had posted on that thread it seemed that anyone interested was aware :(