We had an absolute humdinger of a storm in the night, it even woke Bb up which is practically unheard of!
He went back to sleep though, and missed the second wave when the rain was nearly as loud as the thunder
Woke this morning and said to Mrs O "Well, we never got that forecast thunderstorm, then." "Yes we did, just before 3:00, you slept right through it!"
To Shaftesbury to explore the bottom end of town. Website search for shoe shops threw up a couple of possibilities including Stead & Simpson, quite a big name in the West Country. After 5 minutes of fruitless searching, enquired in the local café. "Oh, they closed at least 9 years ago!"
Basically, don't take the internet as gospel! Anyway we found another independent shoe shop and Mrs O purchased a pair of court shoes for just under £30 in the sale. The Ostrich looked at a pair of deck shoes to replace the ancient pair he uses around the house, and fled at the £99 price tag ....
Elsewhere, I went into WH Smith's looking for printer cartridges, armed with a 20% off voucher. The had the right make and specifications, but as I pointed out to the assistant, 20% off £35 is still far more expensive than the basic £22 I pay at a computer shop in Gillingham. "Ah," she said "but we also have a buy one get one half price offer on ..." Out with the calculator. £35 x 1 1/2 x 80% / 2 = £21 each.
So I bought the two - but do you remember the days when life was simple and there used to be just single individual price tags and you didn't have to do complex mental arithmetic?
Back to the supermarket in Gillingham. Parked prettily and closed up the wing mirrors. As I walked away, a lady drove furiously into the bay next to me, got out, looked critically at her car's position - spread over two bays - ..... and then promptly picked up her shopping bags and made for the store! Takes all sorts, as they say!
Mrs O currently in kitchen working on a chilli con carne in the hope it'll score better than the average 0/10 awarded by Di for the last two evenings' meals ......
Enjoy your day, everyone.