Good morning.
Great news on dad!
I went to see him yesterday afternoon and he looked so much better! So much that dad was joking whoever it was that donated the blood he got must have been a 21 year old! I was bursting with happiness at how much he had improved.
Don took mum over last night and were told that if he continues like this there's a possibility he could get out today!
They figure dad, who would be armed with medication and with the promise that he'll keep completely resting for the next few days, would be better off back in the apartment and to be able to recuperate there, rather than being kept in all over the weekend.
He still looked frail but perked up like a lightening bolt at this news.
I'm going over for 1pm today so we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed.
I'll update when I can.
Glad Mre E is home Cruiser.
Have a good day everyone.