Good morning Wednesday

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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby saundra » 13 May 2020, 20:09

Kaz I'm on a different forum and somebody said the same this week how down we are
It's so lonely in lockdown some days you feel whats the point in doing things nobody is coming it's just a great sadness
That's why Jonathan came on Saturday I'm so D will be better when things improve and contact with family I call it virus depression xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby JanB » 13 May 2020, 20:34

I ring Mitchell or he rings me every week. He rang again today and was so down. He's on his own, 76, has big health issues and is a bit of a worrier anyway. He also lives in the middle of nowhere, same as us, so very rarely sees any-one, apart from when he goes shopping. He worries me, with his not eating enough, drinking too much.

I'm hoping, that, next week, when a few more shops etc open up and we can socialise a little more that will help him.

I know we're lucky in where we live, every one seems to really look out for each other, but I would hate to be in the same situation ar you Saundra, and your dad, Ally, But we're all fairly strong people, so I think we'd cope.

The English government seems to have it wrong, reading that some councils are opening things, but others aren't.

We had to light the fire tonight, it was so cold but the sky inbetween the thunderstorms was stunning, pics on fb.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 13 May 2020, 21:18

saundra wrote:Kaz I'm on a different forum and somebody said the same this week how down we are
It's so lonely in lockdown some days you feel whats the point in doing things nobody is coming it's just a great sadness
That's why Jonathan came on Saturday I'm so D will be better when things improve and contact with family I call it virus depression xx

(((((((((Hugs))))))))))) xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Ally » 13 May 2020, 21:21

Dad's one of the lucky ones in that Betty next door knocks every day to see if he wants anything from the shops.

My uncle Vic is a star ringing every day and coming down 3 or 4 times a week with cooked meals.

All done with the correct social distancing.

Michele and I ring him every day and dad does get lots of calls from various family members.

But like dad says....he wants to SEE us, and hug us and today he brought a lump to my throat by saying, 'when I see you and Michele I'm just going to spend ages looking at the pair of you'. Bless him.

I'm really proud of dad keeping his spirits up in such difficult times.

I think of people who are really on their own with no regular calls or visits. :(
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 14 May 2020, 07:12

Aw, Ally, that made me tear up a little (((((x))))

I think of people in that situation too :(
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Ally » 14 May 2020, 12:39

Kaz wrote:Aw, Ally, that made me tear up a little (((((x))))

I think of people in that situation too :(

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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Gal2 » 14 May 2020, 15:46

My sister is a widow and on her own, in her late 70s, but when I Facetime her she always seems fine, glad to chat of course and always pretty upbeat. I know I wouldn't be like that in her shoes, so she is a bit of an inspiration....I don't know if she is always that way or putting on a brave face for me, not that she'd need to. I know she has regular phone calls from lots of people, as she is a very sociable lady as a rule with a lot of friends.

Her son and family call to visit (SD of course) regularly, and her street is mainly people like her, living on their own of a certain age, and I think they chat on the end of each others' paths - since the weather has been mostly kind, at least she sees people, even if not to hug them (she's not a huggy type :lol: )

I am sending lots of virtual hugs to anyone feeling low or depressed (((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))) Stay safe and well xxxx
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