The problem with the post is that the bar used to be given it by CTT (our post people) and we'd collect it from there. They've been doing that for 6 years, without payment and when the shop was there, they'd be paid for collecting and doling out the post.
Meanwhile, skullduggery went on and CTT lost the franchise for the post offices throughout our area. So for the past 18 months, we've been getting post very spasmodically or not at all.
Then the virus arrived, the bar shut.
We've tried Castro Verde for our post, as that was the main centre and also our local post office. Got a couple of bank statements and a couple of lecky bills
And then the bar re-opened but they'd had enough of people using it as a post office and not a bar and refused to have any mail, apart from their own. And I really can't blame them. Christmas was like a depot, with the amount of parcels being sent to the foreigners. And they'd come in, take their parcel and not even buy a coffee
After much discussion with the new post office and local government, CTT got the franchise back. People weren't getting their pensions, post would go from here to Mertola, then Lisbon and back, if you were lucky
In rural areas, where the post isn't delivered, we normally have a bank of locked postboxes on a stand. There was one by the bar, unused for years. I'd asked about it when we moved and Amelia in the post office said she'd let me know. Never heard from her
Then the boxes were moved into the bus shelter - so we all rushed off to the post office in Ourique to get a key. All boxes now have names and numbers on them.
That was two weeks ago, so we're all hoping deliveries will resume soon.
We're not the only one's not getting post, no-one is - yet