Ossie, our stats are very high, but hospital admissions low. Really sorry MasterO won't be able to get to you for his birthday xxx
Saundra, I love the idea of a glittery pink shed xxx
Glad you're sleeping better Jen xxx
Crommers, that system worries me too. Although I have to say, M had a phone appointment a couple of weeks ago, about something that could potentially be very worrying, and they were on it straight away. Blood tests, which came back very quickly, followed up by a face-to-face - thankfully all was well. I hope little Eliza is ok ((((x)))),
Frank, Becky can also join you in the Bohemian corner as she never irons anything!! How she doesn't resemble a bundle of washing I don't know, but she doesn't I suspect it's because she always uses the dryer, and folds it quickly