The bliss of having a hot - too hot
He muttered away to himself, whilst giving it a good clean, took it apart,«, played with various bits and bobs and voila
Steam coming out of the hot water
He arrived at the bar bang on time
, was here half an hour and charged us 30 euros.
More than happy to pay that, it has to cover him coming from Ourique too.
The sun is trying to come out, but mostly cloudy, due to the dust from the Saraha again
The children's parade is Ourique was this morning and they all looked so cute. Little tots all dressed in matching outfits. Even the oldies from the care home had their own float
Pork cheeks being marinated for a couple of hours, before they get fried, then put in the oven with the rest of the ingredients. Looking forward to this, Probably won't be anything like they do in a restaurant, but you never know