Good morning Sunday

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Good morning Sunday

Postby Ally » 15 Sep 2024, 05:16

Good morning.

The dial seems to be stuck on 34° :lol: Till Friday then reducing...but that should've happened last week. :lol:

The water's still lovely in the pool so I'll have an early swim then laze and read by it. :lol:

I've got a chicken to bung in the oven with salad for dinner. Easy peasy. :D

TV tonight.

Have a great day.

How's Chris doing Kaz? xx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 15 Sep 2024, 06:46

Morning Ally and everyone

Just getting light, with a glorious sunrise. A warm night and another warm day 8-)

Up at silly o'clock as Grumpy needs to get a prescription. I've sent three requests and nothing has come through, so we need to get there nice and early, to be first or second in the queue.

Will get the makings of breakfast and salad stuff on our way home.

No idea what we'll be doing for the rest of the day. Pool probably :lol:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby cruiser2 » 15 Sep 2024, 08:38

Good morning Ally Janb and anybody else who is up
Only 17C. It hasben raining and there are still grey clouds

Janb, Hope you get your prescription. I can order mine on line. It is sent to the doctor to check. then sent to a pharmacist I have nominated.
I get text message the following day to say it is ready for collection. Brilliant service and no long queue in the pharmacy.

Finishing my packing today as I am going away tomorrow. So will not be posting again till Saturday.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 15 Sep 2024, 09:31

Easy peasy.

Managed to park right outside, so Grumpy could sit in the car, while I stood up. First in the queue and saw Dr Paulo. He's been on holiday and Drª Ana is off sick, so that's why it took so long to get a prescription - or not. He said that if it happens again, just keep sending e-mails and he'll get around to it eventually :lol:

Checked his blood tests results and all good :D

I'm just about to send in my prescriptions, as he said he'll be doing them all tomorrow ;)

Where are you off to Cruiser?
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Osc » 15 Sep 2024, 10:35

Morning all, it’s grey and drizzly here :( I woke with a headache so hopefully the two paracetamol I’ve just taken will deal with it. We are going dancing later, a new social starting up being run by our friends N and A - it’s a long time since they had one and they were always great at making socials fun and enjoyable. N has been in touch with Edward over the last few days getting music from him, although they do teach but that would be more traditional ballroom music. It’ll be nice to go to a new social in a different venue for a change. Haven’t had my shower yet. I put a pile of wool/yarn on the local FB page, and someone is collecting it later this morning. We’ll eat something substantial before we go out as we won’t be home until around 8pm which is too late for us to eat.

Cruiser, where are you off to? I may have seen but have forgotten - hope you have a good time.
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby JoM » 15 Sep 2024, 10:48

Morning all, it’s a bit dull here with a bit of rain in the air and it’s quite cool.

Not much planned today, I’m halfway through doing a jigsaw. It’s a 1000 piece puzzle of Green Day’s Dookie album cover which I think I’ll frame once it’s finished. There’s a lot of detail in it that you don’t really see when looking at a CD cover so it’s been an interesting one to do.

We’re going over to see Tom after lunch, Joe’s girlfriend stayed last night, not sure if they’ll come over with us yet.

Right, off to make more coffee!

Have a good day all :)
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby cromwell » 15 Sep 2024, 11:09

Good morning all.
We had lovely weather yesterday, warm and sunny with a gentle warm breeze. Today it's grey and drizzly.
Dinner on our own today. We made a mistake and got a big chicken. So we are going to have a very chickeny couple of days!
Footie on the TV this afternoon, not much else going on.
Jan, good news about Grumpy.Enjoy the new social Osc. Coffe; now there''s a thought - thanks Jo!
Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby jenniren » 15 Sep 2024, 12:17

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny 8-)

We did get out in the garden yesterday afternoon for a good tidy up, did far more than intended so feeling a bit stiff this morning. Also managed to get bitten on my dodgy foot, it's still itching in spite of putting hydrocortisone on it immediately we got back inside.

Roast chicken and veg for dinner, back to hot dinners. Jelly and custard for pud, really must order some blancmange.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby cruiser2 » 15 Sep 2024, 15:17

Osc and everybody else.

I am going to the Warner's Litllecote hotel near Hereford. Going down by train. get taken out to a cider mill on a steam train and other places.

Have been to Warner 'hotels before and enjoyed it.
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Kaz » 15 Sep 2024, 17:40

Afternoon everyone :)

Been out all day. Round to D’s this morning to catch up with J and J, then we took D to Greek On The Docks for a birthday lunch, as it’s her 88th tomorrow :) Fabulous food, as ever :) Then back to hers for a cuppa and some apple cake :oops: :lol: Stuffed now :lol:

Ally, Chris is very well thanks :) We’ve been in touch daily, and I just got off the phone with him. No after-effects at all to speak of, but he is going to work from home this coming week, rather than Monday and Tuesday in the office, as usual. He’s being very sensible 8-)

Cruiser, have a great time, Herefordshire is beautiful :) xx

Jan, good news about Grumpy’s blood tests :D xx

Jo, I don’t have the attention span required for jigsaws :oops: xx

Enjoy the social Osc :) xx

That does sound itchy, Jen :? xx

I love cold chicken and turkey, Crommers :) xx

Off to Devon in the morning - the forecast for the week is dry, if a bit blowy, so fingers crossed! X
Love to all xxx
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