Good morning Tuesday

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Good morning Tuesday

Postby Ally » 18 Feb 2025, 06:15

Good morning.

Sunny and 22°. Looking at the next ten day forecast it's to be the same. 8-)

I had an absolutely fantastic day yesterday.
My friends have loved Malaga and were full of praise for it. :D

I got a lovely surprise from them.
They're all from the wee pub that was dad's local and that I got to know and love too.
The regulars had clubbed together and collected money and the whole day for the five of us was a gift from them. All drinks and food. :o :D

As if that wasn't the end of the evening we went back to their hotel where Don was going to pick me up from.
Susan disappeared for a moment then returned with the biggest bouquet of flowers I've ever seen in my life.
Those and a lovely card reduced me to happy tears.
Having such good friends in life is a blessing. X

My plans after my walk are to read, relax and enjoy the floral scent in my lounge. :lol:

TV tonight.

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cruiser2 » 18 Feb 2025, 08:19

Good morning Ally nd anybody elser who is up.
It was only 11C when I gt up There are grey clouds but the sun is trying to come out.

Going to Lil this morning for fod shopping. Am also taking the friend. She took her car to be repaired yesterday so has no transprt at the moment.

Then this afternoon I am going for an eye test. This is done by the NHS every year. I also have one done at an optician each year.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 18 Feb 2025, 08:30

Morning everyone

Grey and cloudy, mild and wet stuff on it's way.

Another quiet day for the poorly one's, although heads are clearer, the coughing is horrendous and in my case, very painful.

After a couple of days of not really eating much, think I'll make a shepherds pie for dinner.

A lovely day Ally xx

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Osc » 18 Feb 2025, 10:23

Morning all, yet another grey day *deep sigh*. I’m sitting in a car wash getting all the dirt from our recent travels cleaned off the car. Earlier, we collected Michael so he and Edward could play golf, I’ll join them later for something to eat. In the meantime I’ll start cleaning the bathrooms. We have booked to bring Michael and Kellie to Newgrange on Thursday, it’s a Neolithic site in Co. Meath that is older than the Pyramids. The time will come soon enough when it won’t be cool to go out with us and we do love having time with them.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cromwell » 18 Feb 2025, 10:30

Good morning.
We do have a little sunshine this morning Cruiser.
Glad you had a lovely day Ally. My son's had that cough too Jan; had it for weeks and weeks. Lots of people have around here.
Time flies doesn't it Osc? They aren't children for two minutes. Eliza is seven in April. She can now swim 100 metres!
In a minute I'm off to get Pat's paper and then we are going to go to M&S.
Have a nice day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby jenniren » 18 Feb 2025, 11:31

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny 8-)

Ally a lovely surprise for you.
Cruiser good luck with your eye test.
Jan coughing like that is so exhausting, take it easy xx
Osc they grow up so quickly, make the most of time with them.
Eliza 7yrs old, gosh how time flies Crommers :o

The bed in the spare room is covered with things we might need for our holibobs so today I'll have a proper sort out and decide what we're actually taking. We always take a bit too much so I'll make a list and see what can be trimmed.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JoM » 18 Feb 2025, 12:00

Morning all, it’s a sunny one - two sunny days in a row here - and quite chilly with it. That’ll do for me though.

Tom was here yesterday as he’s on half term this week. We’re going over to him at the weekend as he wants John to put up the mirror that we bought him for his birthday earlier this month.

Joe’s home tonight, he was at Jade’s last night but she has another law assessment on Thursday so is studying tonight and tomorrow.

We went to see the new Bridget Jones film last night, I really loved it although I need to see it again as I missed 10 minutes in the middle. My Dad’s been complaining of dizziness for weeks and I’ve been nagging him to see his GP and he hasn’t. When I saw him on Friday he said it was getting worse and he seemed a bit out of sorts, cue more nagging. He finally saw the GP yesterday evening, asked his neighbour Ian to drive him and Ian was really worried about him so called my sister. She and Roger came over to take him and the GP thinks it’s an issue with his inner ear and has prescribed something to help. However, my sister then decided to phone me at 10pm while I’m sitting in the Odeon, and of course a phone call at that time usually means there’s a problem so I had to go into the lobby and call her back.

How is Eliza 7?

Have a good day all :D
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 18 Feb 2025, 16:30

Afternoon everyone :)

Ally, that's so nice :) xx

That's good of you Cruiser :) xx

Shepherd's pie sounds just the job, Jan. There's a horrible cough going round here at the moment, B had had it on and off for weeks! Mainly at night xx

That sounds fun, Osc :) xx

Crommers I honestly thought E was about 4 or 5 :shock: The years do gallop by xx

Good idea to get sorted out early Jen 8-) xx

Wishing your dad better soon Jo! I have heard good things about the new film :) xx

A nice sunny day here, and it was good to take advantage of it and walk the dogs round the docks - although we took the shorter route round for Fraggle's sake. A cuppa, then round to D's for lunchtime - soup and a roll.

Love to all :) xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 18 Feb 2025, 18:48

No shepherds pie, I just ran out of energy. Something out of the freezer.

Rained for most of the afternoon, but still quite mild.
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