Morning all
Ally, just where do you get your energy from? Please can you send some over this way
Glad you had a lovely time last night and enjoy today
Cruiser, enjoy your pottering day
Jo enjoy this evening - bit of bad planning by the football people; don't they think about how people can get home?
Fingers crossed Steve can get the washing machine going for you Jen; it really is without all mod cons for you at the moment isn't it
Kaz, hope it clears up a bit so you can get out for your walk
Ton enjoy your tourist day. How much longer are the girls with you? Enjoy the dinner tonight
We've also got a bit of rain today - as you say Kaz much needed as the lawns are parched - but it's quite warm with it still. Usual work day for me and then dropping off a lot of books and a few other bits and bobs with someone who will try sell them to raise funds for the local hospice. I did quite a cull of all sorts of things when I was repacking the cupboards after painting - it's been quite nice to declutter.
I feel rather lost today - I've left my phone at home. As much as I know I don't really need it, I still prefer to have it on me. Oh well
Have a lovely day all, whatever it is you're up to xx