One of the advantages of being a bird with a long neck, the Ostrich finds, is that it can happily scrutinize the ground as it walks along and hoover up all the small change that people have inadvertently dropped (although you have to be very careful in this day and age as if you're caught on CCTV, you could find yourself up before the Beak ... ).
Nevertheless, a gleam of copper caught its beady eye yesterday and a disc was snaffled, although it appeared to be rather smaller than usual. The markings were obscure - an old 'apenny? A farthing??
Anyway I have just cleaned it up. And it turns out to be a 1 bleddy euro! What am I supposed to do with that? Answers on a postcard, please ....
My inclination is to put it in an envelope, first class, and mail it to that Mr. Junker, tell him he's had his contribution towards Brexit, now can we get on with the rest of it, please ....