We're gonna need a bigger dish...

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We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Diflower » 02 Dec 2012, 14:40

To misquote that great film line :D

It sinks in just how much the boys have grown when I have to search in the cupboards for a dish big enough to cook in! I've made a Bolognese-type pasta bake for the five of us, but the dish I used to use for four would now probably only feed the two boys :D
Fortunately we bought a lovely big lasagne dish when (greedy!) friends were coming a while ago, so it's full to the brim :)
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Paddypix » 02 Dec 2012, 15:09

As the mother of two boys I can sympathise Di. Mine are now middle-aged men but I well remember the gigantic pots of spuds, pasta, chips etc that they could shift between them. They were expensive luxuries even then, and with the price of food nowadays, I'm glad they are feeding themselves.
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Diflower » 02 Dec 2012, 15:16

They obviously need it, they're skinny as rakes - but then, left to their own devices they probably only eat when they remember to ;)
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Kaz » 02 Dec 2012, 15:19

LOL I make heaps and just sling it at them :P :lol: :lol: :lol: Mine are all big eaters - TBH I have no idea where Harry puts it! He's all long arms and legs at the moment - he's hit that gangly phase! 8-) :lol:

I filled one huge serving dish with veggies and another with roast potatoes this lunch time. put it on the table thinking maybe some leftovers for tomorrow and it all went :lol:
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Lozzles » 02 Dec 2012, 15:48

Also having two sons I know how much they eat. I also have 5 brothers so you can imagine the piles of spuds my mum used to have to peel :shock: :lol:
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Kaz » 02 Dec 2012, 16:05

:shock: :lol: :lol: Mountains, I'd imagine :D :lol:
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby saundra » 02 Dec 2012, 16:19

:lol: :lol:
its not just boys either my grandaughter aged 10 eats like a horse
and is as thin as a reed
i can remember the days when i used to buy potatoes in a huge
brown sack of the veg van :lol: :lol:
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Diflower » 02 Dec 2012, 16:23

I remember a friend with two teenage boys - who both played rugby, football and cricket - we went for dinner and she had to tell them they could 'only' have 10 roast potatoes each :lol:
They looked at her as if she was mad :lol:
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby Kaz » 02 Dec 2012, 16:34

:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: We're gonna need a bigger dish...

Postby tonicha » 02 Dec 2012, 18:02

:lol: :lol:

Oh I know that feeling :lol:

My three are all over 6 foot and apart from the eldest, as skinny as rakes, and still are :P Jammy lot :D

And the cakes and biscuits I used to bake..........

Then I'd look for one and oh, "some-one" always had eaten them :roll:

So then they decided to leave me one of everything - so I would find the slimmest sliver of cheese, the tiniest piece of butter, the last drop of milk :(

Now they have their own homes and familes, it is quite funny :lol:
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