Afternoon all, it was a busy morning. On Monday, I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous while at the gym so left early, yesterday I was just very tired but did usual things. This morning though, I woke feeling strange and my ears felt as if I had been on a plane and they hadn't popped. So I took myself off to the doc's walk in clinic, it's the luck of the draw but I actually got my own doctor. She says it is viral labyrinthitis and gave me a prescription that will help the inner ear settle. She is also sending me for bloods (first appointment on September 8th but I might get a cancellation), plus she wanted me to have a chest xray as I said I occasionally get a bit breathless. Our nearest hospital will xray you as a walk in if you have a GP letter so I decided to go and get it done seeing as I was out anyway, and I was in and out inside an hour.
Home for lunch, had a snooze and now just pottering about. It is a very pleasant day, sun and cloud but warm, we were sitting out on the terrace earlier. We decided we didn't need to do a supermarket shop as we will be away Saturday and Sunday, so strolled to the local shops for fruit, veg and milk.