Kaz that's amazing - a whole person!!!
Well done B!!!
So today Tom got up early and drove home (!) so John could sort his car out, hopefully this will be it!!
It's been doing kangaroo jumps once started, and then losing power, I know nothing about cars but it's something to do with an ERG (?) which has needed cleaning out and some stuff put in/on - a ten minute job so fingers crossed it works!! He's already spent over £200 on it at a local to caravan garage last Monday, having a new wheel bearing and something else....I thought he intended coming back in my car but he's hopeful this will do the job! So I have just had a peaceful morning pottering about in the van....I love times like this!
He was back at half past 12, so not all day (it's just over an hour each way) so this aft we walked along the beach for a bit - it's been a bit cloudy but warm, so lovely conditions, and then I've sat on the decking with my Kindle
I have a hair appointment booked - on 23rd!!! It's long though so not as desperate as some, and I've somehow managed to keep my fringe in a sort of tidy shape
It'll need touching up before too long though, Kaz I'm sorry I only saw your photos today of your haircut on FB!!! Hate when it does that!!
Hope you've all had a fab day