Can someone please point me in the direction of a wall to bang my head up against?
Remember the prescription palaver earlier in the week? I asked my Mom today if the tablets were helping and guess what? She’s not taking them, because she’s read that they might make her drowsy. She’s drowsy anyway because she’s not sleeping due to being in pain and then dozes off while we’re sitting there talking, these painkillers are supposed to help her sleep at night.
Friday night we were around there and I told my Dad that we’d call in over the weekend and cut the lawns. Lovely, great, that’s a big help we were told.
We’ve been rushing around this afternoon so we could do that. We walked in and said we’d come to do them only for my Dad to say that they didn’t need mowing, he’d already done them. I asked when, as we’d said on Friday night that we’d be around over the weekend. He mowed them Tuesday