Kaz I wondered if she would stick it - Jen vowed she'd never do call centre work, too stressy. She'd been at the hotel well over 3 years and was always on the lookout for something else - the Uni canteen isn't great but it's better hours and slightly better pay, hour on hour, so better all round until The One comes along. I'm really struggling with my job since before Christmas, since we came back all we've seemed to get is people whingeing and taking out their problems on us!
Last week one woman came in moaning and shouting the odds, to the point Karen and I struggled to maintain a polite professional manner, we just wanted to tell her to F off she was so rude to us. Even another regular asked if she'd gone when this lady came out of her test, such was the level of rudeness. Luckily such people are few and far between, it's a bit since we had someone as bad as her.....but this is the thing, when you are working with the public, you'll always encounter the odd nasty person