Just trying to work something (fingers crossed) out.
I fly to dad's Tuesday 4 August.
I could get a train down from there or even the coach...but I feel a teeny bit 'funny' at the thought of being on the train for almost 5 hours (even longer on the coach) and the thought of having to wear a mask for that amount of time.
Craig's driving up with the boys on the 15th (Don's flying in the same day) and him and the twins are flying home early on the 18th.
Craig's then driving back to Nottingham and the plan is for me to spend 3 days with him and Lani. I could use one of those days to come to Brum. Craig has very kindly offered to drive me back to dad's to save me sitting on transport for hours. (I am a real train lover but even he has said he doesn't want me putting myself at tooooo much risk.)
What do you think?
Is this too late in the month?
How do you all feel about travelling after the pandemic?
How do you all feel travelling from your respective homes to Brum.
So different this year.....