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Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2017, 15:57
by Diflower
Can't get the app on my phone :(

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2017, 16:40
by Kaz
We do that too! That's a shame Di :(

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2017, 19:34
by JoM
Oh goodness...someone was found hanged in the woods yesterday morning. If it hadn't been so windy we'd have walked by where it was. Bill always heads that way as there are a lot of squirrels in that part. Bodies seem to be found quite regularly on the Chase, lots of secluded spots I suppose. John's always saying I'll find a someone one day while out walking :(

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2017, 21:15
by Kaz
Omg Jo thank goodness you didn't see them! How tragic though :(

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2017, 23:22
by Diflower
Glad you didn't walk that way Jo x

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2017, 01:52
by Ally
When Don was 14 one of his schoolmates hanged himself in the local woods.

Guess who found him.......... :( :( :( :(

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2017, 09:52
by tonicha
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2017, 10:01
by tonicha
We have a very traumatised cat :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock:

As soon as our friends arrived last night, she ran for cover :roll: :roll: , wouldn't come inside when they left, so we left her outside all night - doubt she slept, as there are some very scary things out there at night.

This morning, she's been in and out about 6 times and then legged it again.

So I've put her food and water outside and she can sulk for as long as she wants :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2017, 10:03
by Kaz
Ally that's terrible! :(

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2017, 10:04
by Kaz
Ton, she'll sulk for a bit then get over it ;) :lol: