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Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2017, 16:01
by Kaz
Narcissi, daffs and tulips mostly! We generally have a good show by now, but maybe they'll come good yet. Hope so :)

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2017, 19:12
by Diflower
Definitely a bit early for tulips, daffs are out here but maybe different varieties still to come?
You can leave the bulbs in the pots anyway, just push them in lower if you find them when planting summer stuff :)

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2017, 19:59
by tonicha
There are not many things or people I dislike - fish, yes.

But my neighbours :cute: :cute: :cute: :cute:

Their blasted ducks are, yet again, going onto our lower field and walking/eating their way through it :evil: :evil: :evil: Jose Felipe sowed that field for his sheep - not their blasted ducks :cute: :cute:

Will they answer their phone??? Will they heck.

I'll shout over the fence tomorrow, that the next duck - and any more - will be a dead duck

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2017, 20:13
by saundra
Ho dear ton deep breaths or you will be back at the doctor with BP
Blasted ducks tho I agree
Dif my tulips are a good 6inches above ground now and in the tubs I leave them in all year they won't flower for a few weeks yet

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2017, 21:01
by tonicha
BP is fine Saundra - I took Grumpy's tablet this morning :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She told me, always ring when the ducks come over - and now doesn't answer her phone.

I feel like getting onto the site they advertise their house for rent and venting.................

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2017, 13:43
by tonicha
Fill 3 buckets with weeds - stop for 10 minutes

Fill 3 buckets with weeds - stop for 10 minutes

And so on until my back gives way completely :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2017, 20:39
by JoM
Wheeler Dealers is on :evil:

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2017, 19:48
by JoM
Walking back through the woods this afternoon and noticed something at the side of a path that we don't normally go down, so being nosey I went to investigate.
It was a load, and by that I mean hundreds, of charity collection bags for a childhood cancer charity. There was a carrier bag full and a load of loose ones. Someone had obviously been given the job of delivering them, couldn't be bothered so dumped them :evil:
I took photos and emailed them to the charity when I got home and they've got back to me and said that they'll be taking it up with the company who they pay to distribute them.

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2017, 20:46
by meriad
Jeez Jo, that is more than shocking. How awful

Re: The Random Thread

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2017, 21:22
by Kaz
Oh that's awful!! I once had a job cold calling people to persuade them to deliver, and later collect, charity envelopes. It was for Cancer Research. This is a really despicable trick :shock: :evil: :(