Good morning Wednesday
Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 06:35
Good morning.
Sunny and forecast 21 degrees.
Day 9 of my enforced running challenge and it's going to plan so will have a coffee on my return.
Nipping to Torremolinos to Dealz as the old salad cream is nearing its end.
Work 6 - 9 then home to Grand Designs & Masterchef.
Have a great day everyone.
Sunny and forecast 21 degrees.
Day 9 of my enforced running challenge and it's going to plan so will have a coffee on my return.
Nipping to Torremolinos to Dealz as the old salad cream is nearing its end.
Work 6 - 9 then home to Grand Designs & Masterchef.
Have a great day everyone.