Good Morning Tuesday.
Posted: 09 May 2017, 07:48
Good Morning-a bit brighter today but not good and still cold.
The Gas Board have parked across our drive and have pipes etc going over
the road where they are working on the house opposite. I can`t get my car
out but won`t say anything to them until i am ready to go.
Perhaps by then they will have moved it if not i will have a go at them!!
Must try and plant up the window boxes and hanging baskets as we will
lose the plants if we don`t as they have been waiting to be planted for about
a fortnight but it has been so cold that we could`nt be bothered!!
Have a good day
The Gas Board have parked across our drive and have pipes etc going over
the road where they are working on the house opposite. I can`t get my car
out but won`t say anything to them until i am ready to go.
Perhaps by then they will have moved it if not i will have a go at them!!
Must try and plant up the window boxes and hanging baskets as we will
lose the plants if we don`t as they have been waiting to be planted for about
a fortnight but it has been so cold that we could`nt be bothered!!
Have a good day