Morning all
thinking of Poll, little one will be be here by now, if not very shortly I'd have thought? Very exciting
Di, it's such a lovely sunny morning here as well, but we thankfully don't have the wind - yet; apparently that's due to hit us later today and stay for a bit
But same as at your's sunny mornings = nippy; but a nice nippy
Cruiser, fancy swapping places - I'd love to be at home today; you can come do my work for me... please????
Ally, what's the colour choice of the day today? Enjoy the day x
Another usual/usual for me; just love them. Wednesdays is often a day I meet up with Nadine after work but she's home not well so I'll be heading straight home.
Have a lovely day all, enjoy whatever it is you're up to and stay warm. Vibes for anyone who's feeling poorly - hope you're better soon