Good morning Friday

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Good morning Friday

Postby Ally » 12 Apr 2019, 05:06

Good morning.

Another lovely day forecast. 8-)

A walk, a swim then get ready to go over and spend a few hours with mum and dad...first day of me holibobs and this'll be a good start. :lol:

Out with Don and the gang tonight for Friday beer and tapas. :D :D

Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JanB » 12 Apr 2019, 06:48

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Sunny and clear skies this morning and not a breath of wind :Hi: :Hi: Hoping for some heat later.

More strimming this morning. I'll do down by our neighbours hose, as she gets a little paranoid about fires and needs a metre cut along her fence and Grumpy will do down the drive.

Also washing can be done now we know there's no rain and more weeding, if I can find the time :lol:

It must be getting warmer, as Molly is pending more time at night outside.

Say hi to your mum and dad Ally x Glad to hear he's much better x

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby cromwell » 12 Apr 2019, 07:41

Morning early rising Ally and Jan! Go steady with the weeding Jan and your Friday sounds ideal Ally.

Shortly I'm going to give our daughter and son-in-law a lift to the railway station. They are going to Edinburgh to celebrate her 30th birthday, they will be back on Sunday. We are splitting the baby sitting with Lee's (son in law) mum and dad.

MrsC to her dad's after that then maybe a bit of shopping this afternoon.

Have a great day all.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby jenniren » 12 Apr 2019, 09:18

Morning all :D

Dull here again :roll:

Yesterdays 90mins at the Ingeus thing yesterday evening was a waste of time, shame really as I think it would have helped a year ago, but I'm well past that now and tbh there wasn't anything I didn't already know. Not sure how I feel about another three sessions, the group is mainly very elderly peeps, one who actually fell asleep which caused a bit of a panic as the lecturer was worried he'd had a funny turn :o The reality is I doubt they're a lot older than me, some probably even younger, but it was very much like a 'waiting for God' situation comedy.

Not sure if we've been invaded by aliens, the boys didn't wake us up till 8am this morning, unheard of :shock: not complaining though :lol: Z's due around sometime between 11-12. We've booked a table at The Racing Greyhound at 1pm for lunch before they go home.

Have a good day :D
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Osc » 12 Apr 2019, 09:19

Morning! It is quite dull here but the air feels damp, however there is no rain forecast so maybe it will brighten up. Gym this morning, tea and chat afterwards, and going dancing tonight, but first I need to pop to the post office to send off my cousin’s birthday card.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 12 Apr 2019, 10:40

Morning all :)

Skool's out, eh Ally? :D :Hi:

Have a good day Jan :)

Crommers I hope they have a lovely weekend away :) Hope the babysitting goes well xx

Jen, what a shame about those sessions, but if you won't get anything out of them, then as you say, why bother with the rest? :? The boys are getting older, soon you'll have trouble prising them from their mattresses ;) :lol:

Enjoy your dancing Osc :D

Well I'm out and about in town, I needed some toiletries, and they're much cheaper in Savers and the pound shop than in Sainsbury's. I'm having a quick cuppa in Voffee#1.

My day started a bit oddly though, I got up off the loo (sorry! ) turned to face the sink and suddenly everything went from under me and I nearly passed out. I gripped the sink to save myself, and then was fine. It was odd, not like any dizzy feeling I've had before. I probably got up too quickly, but if it happens again I might see the doc. I took my BP with Mick's cuff afterwards and it was a bit low, so it was probably that.

Have a good day everyone :) xx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby meriad » 12 Apr 2019, 12:11

Morning all and happy Friday - another hour and a bit to go and I'll be leaving the office and same as Ally start my Easter Break - tooooo excited I tell you :D :D

So rushing to do a few things before heading off but wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. Heading straight to the shops to get some stuff for dinner tonight - having friends round for a racelette

Have a lovely day and fab start to the weekend xx
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