Morning Ally, morning everyone
Just getting light, Molly just come in, chatting away and will probably go to bed now she's had a brush and is eating breakfast . Should be a good day, once the sun is up.
The patient will be annointed once he's awake and I have no idea what he'll be doing today. I'll start some cleaning and more washing.
Jose Felipe will be up later with the weekly eggs and we'll ask him to take away a washing machine that was left here. Not sure if it works, but he can either keep it and play with it or take it down to the bins, where some-one else will no doubt take it.
Now it's getting lighter, we have a few clouds, but also a deep red sky
We have footie and masterchef later, so have to decide on which footie match and we'll miss some of it, because of the final
Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx