I treated myself.....

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I treated myself.....

Postby meriad » 12 May 2020, 18:32

to coffee :D

I always have coffee in the morning; used to be instant, then got fussy and started using a percolator and then as of a few years ago a fancy espresso type machine that someone was selling for a stupidly low amount of money and I just love it! When possible I get my coffee when I'm in Germany (bring back loads) or family bring it over when they visit, otherwise I buy it from Aldi as
a) I quite like the flavour;
b) it's the perfect grind for the machine I have (very important this bit); and
c) it's cheap! (my favourite bit)

But now I'm reaching the end of my supply and I've yet to find the right coffee in Sainsburys where I usually do my shopping or any other shop for that matter; point B is the issue. But, I refuse to queue outside Aldi for who knows how long just for coffee - there is desperate and there is desperate, and I'm not that desperate yet. Then I remembered, when I was in Aldi last time to get (what I though would be enough) coffee to see me through I got talking to a lady to happened to mention this place: https://www.redber.co.uk/ . I had forgotten the name of the place but then someone else posted it on another site so I had a quick look....

And oops...... before I knew it I ordered a few of the taster packs. They arrived today and the smell coming from the box - so so nice. I just hope they taste as good as they smell because they aren't cheap. But additional bonus to buying this coffee is that it's supporting local business (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it)

Can't wait to start trying them
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Re: I treated myself.....

Postby Workingman » 12 May 2020, 20:05

I use a cafetiere so need a fairly rough ground, and I do like Central American coffee.

The Colombia Excelso Huila and Guatemala Antigua los Volcanes look good. And £5 to £6 for 250g is not bad when you think of how much a thimbleful is at the Costafewbucks slurry shops.
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Re: I treated myself.....

Postby JanB » 12 May 2020, 20:09

I don't normally drink coffee, but really miss the coffee we get here, from the café/bars.

I've tried the one you bring over Ria, it's more suited to Grumpy than me, although will drink it (if and when I'm allowed :lol: )
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Re: I treated myself.....

Postby Gal2 » 13 May 2020, 16:53

Ria why don't you just do your weekly shop in Aldi? That way you won't be just queuing for coffee alone :)

I'm a pleb who has to drink decaff, but I just have instant....Kenco is my one of choice :)
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