Ye we would have just got back from the Lakes last Saturday under normal circumstances....still we have rebooked for the same time next year so all is well (hopefully!!)
It's a bit cloudy here today with the odd burst of sunshine, but it isn't warm. I have been out to a garden centre and managed to get some plants

I'm so excited to make a start planting them up so we can have a bit of colour in the garden

I might leave it till tomorrow so I have all day to faff

I thought about popping to Lidl for some bits but not been yet. D brought the kids down so we had a chat with them out the front garden, they played badminton with some old rackets, was just so sweet to see them.
Also, Tom went across the road to tidy their garden up a bit. This couple are the ones who we did the house exchange with, so it's my old house. They have a place in Tenerife and were there when lockdown began so they are still there! So while Tom was cutting some of the overgrowth back I nipped round to have a look at the garden's like a wilderness!! The decking hasn't been treated (we had paving slabs and a lot of plants/shrubs and a nice lawn) and looks a mess. The trees at the back which had been planted by the builders are huge and overgrown and quite honestly the entire place is a shambles. Obviously they haven't been home to tidy it but this is more than just a few weeks growth

Quite a shock.
Anyway, hope the sun shines for you, have a smashing day xxx
ETA Tom had been communicating with the lady of the house via text, and she knew he intended to do this. She also said to use their garden bin if we needed to