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Very impressed

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2020, 17:23
by JanB
As you may recall, we weren't getting any mail, apart from the odd lecky bill.

Until Wednesday, when we had a shed load :roll: :lol:

Including a bill from Evora Hospital, when I had a bit of a problem, back in January.

The bill was for 4.75€ for all the blood tests they did, all seven of them. But we have a date limit on the bills here, to be paid through the multibank system and the date was out by a month, which meant I couldn't pay it.

Sent them an e-mail on Wednesday afternoon, got a reply this afternoon, with new numbers to enter and a new date to pay it by. 17 July, so I can pay it next week, when we go into Ourique.

I know we all moan about how inefficient the Portuguese can be, with all the red tape etc, but pleasantly surprised by this.